Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Jake Section 2 part 8
"Well we can't just have Mariah out there alone!" I yelled.
"She isn't the only one out there Jake. We have a couple people out there like Brian." Burt replied.
"What kind of leader are you?! Let me go! Let me help them!" I was furiated.
"No Jake!"
I stormed out of the room, mad beyond imagination. I could feel my blood bubble with heat. I had to get all of this energy out. I would go outside... I walked out the door of the base. Purple fire began flailing around my hands. I let it all out and a purple inferno blasted up towards the sky, flames spouting out everywhere. I fell to the ground exausted but i didnt care, I just wanted to let it out. I walked to my room ready to sleep. I really wanted to help...
I pried open the door looking inside. There lay my parents, dead. What happened? A searing feeling was edging at me on my arm. The ambulence raced towards the car, examining what had happened. I ran away far from it all. Why did it happen to ME?! It just didnt seem right... I could feel tears running down my cheeks... everything was wrong... all wrong... almost everyone was against me... all my friends were in a different school... help me...
"She isn't the only one out there Jake. We have a couple people out there like Brian." Burt replied.
"What kind of leader are you?! Let me go! Let me help them!" I was furiated.
"No Jake!"
I stormed out of the room, mad beyond imagination. I could feel my blood bubble with heat. I had to get all of this energy out. I would go outside... I walked out the door of the base. Purple fire began flailing around my hands. I let it all out and a purple inferno blasted up towards the sky, flames spouting out everywhere. I fell to the ground exausted but i didnt care, I just wanted to let it out. I walked to my room ready to sleep. I really wanted to help...
I pried open the door looking inside. There lay my parents, dead. What happened? A searing feeling was edging at me on my arm. The ambulence raced towards the car, examining what had happened. I ran away far from it all. Why did it happen to ME?! It just didnt seem right... I could feel tears running down my cheeks... everything was wrong... all wrong... almost everyone was against me... all my friends were in a different school... help me...
Brandon section 2 part 7 The last
I ran deeper into the base stalling for time, trying to think where I was going to go next.
You can't escape Brandon. We know your every move.
Makena... She could peer into my mind, my thoughts... I had to think of something... block out everything. But... what was there to fight for? I'm trapped... my family's dead...
Yes thats right, give up. Nothing you can do, just give up.
Well... if it was going to end here I might as well not go down without a fight... I turned around to face my enemies. Every second I became stronger, and my guess was that they were becoming stronger too. I stretched my arms out, and clapped them together making the walls from the left and right collide together making a metal, jagged barrier. Good... more time to think. Here we go... were did Mariah go...
"Mariah? Hello? Are you here?" I shouted. No answer.
I walked farther into the base, the lights dimming.
We will find you!
Fat chance! Still... I need to find a way out of-
"Hmhmhmhm... I see you have lost your way!" A man said walking around a corner.
"As long as I get out of here alive i'm fine!" I said grudgingly. It was the same guy who asked me those questions.
"Well I don't think that will be possible!" Shadows started forming around him. I gripped my hands in the shape of fists.
Shadowy figures raced towards me. I hooked one, and it disappeared in a puff of smoke, but one pushed me with brute force backwards.
"Oof!" I groaned as I hit the ground.
"You see some things were just meant to be. I can gaurentee this will be your last day. I'm sorry it didn't work out like you thought it could, escaping and winning in the end. Some stories just don't have happy endings." He pulled out a gun and pointed to to my head. I couldn't move at all. The Shadowy figures were pinning me down. "Say your prayers! Click, BOOM!"
Life was fading, I knew that it was done... I knew this was it... I kne...
You can't escape Brandon. We know your every move.
Makena... She could peer into my mind, my thoughts... I had to think of something... block out everything. But... what was there to fight for? I'm trapped... my family's dead...
Yes thats right, give up. Nothing you can do, just give up.
Well... if it was going to end here I might as well not go down without a fight... I turned around to face my enemies. Every second I became stronger, and my guess was that they were becoming stronger too. I stretched my arms out, and clapped them together making the walls from the left and right collide together making a metal, jagged barrier. Good... more time to think. Here we go... were did Mariah go...
"Mariah? Hello? Are you here?" I shouted. No answer.
I walked farther into the base, the lights dimming.
We will find you!
Fat chance! Still... I need to find a way out of-
"Hmhmhmhm... I see you have lost your way!" A man said walking around a corner.
"As long as I get out of here alive i'm fine!" I said grudgingly. It was the same guy who asked me those questions.
"Well I don't think that will be possible!" Shadows started forming around him. I gripped my hands in the shape of fists.
Shadowy figures raced towards me. I hooked one, and it disappeared in a puff of smoke, but one pushed me with brute force backwards.
"Oof!" I groaned as I hit the ground.
"You see some things were just meant to be. I can gaurentee this will be your last day. I'm sorry it didn't work out like you thought it could, escaping and winning in the end. Some stories just don't have happy endings." He pulled out a gun and pointed to to my head. I couldn't move at all. The Shadowy figures were pinning me down. "Say your prayers! Click, BOOM!"
Life was fading, I knew that it was done... I knew this was it... I kne...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Weapons Better defined. Section 1

I am now posting the certain things Chantel will be getting us as weapons and gadgets. Just request any gadgets that you want.
The first one is my power pole. Chantel has harnessed my power and created a pole that ups my levitating powers making it more powerful. It can also (from the sides of the pole) have gravity disks pop out from the sides of the pole to turn it into a hover board. Brandon then uses his levitating powers to propell the board forward.
Second is Chantel's mode of transportation. This Vehicle harneses gravity and hovers right above the ground.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Part 23: What Side is Elyse on?
Elyse was a dark, menacing crow. In front of her, her friends ran faster and faster, their powers in their hands, or at least ready to strike. Brandon and Mariah (or was that a shadow?) stood in the corridor wearing brave faces.
Minutes before, the six in black had been rushed through a crowd. Elyse had heard murmurs about burning down the base, attacking the leader of the other side (whoever that was), rebelling against everyone and forming a new alliance, and many other things.
Cawing once, Elyse dipped her head to fly faster, trying to drown out the pandemonium. The crow part of her brain demanded that she keep moving on, but the human part had its doubts.
Come on, you've come this far!
You know this is wrong. Stop.
You're weak. This is your chance to show everyone that you're strong.
Turn back. Take the Escape.
The Escape... She looked over her shoulder and there it was. Could she really betray her friends, even if it was for the sake of good? She'd already betrayed that side. Elyse shook her black-feathered head. Maybe she could help Mariah and Brandon. Maybe she could rescue the base from burning.
Maybe you can admit you're a coward and finish this! shrieked the crow's thoughts.
Elyse glanced over her shoulder. After all this turmoil within her, only a few seconds had passed. She still had a chance to take the Escape. Glancing at her friends with a beady black eye, Elyse turned toward the Escape...
Minutes before, the six in black had been rushed through a crowd. Elyse had heard murmurs about burning down the base, attacking the leader of the other side (whoever that was), rebelling against everyone and forming a new alliance, and many other things.
Cawing once, Elyse dipped her head to fly faster, trying to drown out the pandemonium. The crow part of her brain demanded that she keep moving on, but the human part had its doubts.
Come on, you've come this far!
You know this is wrong. Stop.
You're weak. This is your chance to show everyone that you're strong.
Turn back. Take the Escape.
The Escape... She looked over her shoulder and there it was. Could she really betray her friends, even if it was for the sake of good? She'd already betrayed that side. Elyse shook her black-feathered head. Maybe she could help Mariah and Brandon. Maybe she could rescue the base from burning.
Maybe you can admit you're a coward and finish this! shrieked the crow's thoughts.
Elyse glanced over her shoulder. After all this turmoil within her, only a few seconds had passed. She still had a chance to take the Escape. Glancing at her friends with a beady black eye, Elyse turned toward the Escape...
Section 2 part 6
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!! DONT LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!" I sat up quickly, a pool of sweat was forming around my body. "Only a dream..."
I felt really bad... I had realized the last thing I said to my mom... a complaint. Those kick you in the butt comments that makes you feel horrible after a while. Only now I cant fix it because SHE WAS DEAD!
"Hey..." Someone said. I immediately jumped back.
"MARIAH! Don't scare me like that!" I shouted while she started coming out of her invisibility, watever you would call it.
"SHHHHH!!! You don't want anyone to hear do you?"
"No... so how'd you find me?"
"I was following you the whole time. I saw you up." She grabbed my arm and led me through the bars (yes... again THROUGH the bars like a ghost).
We started walking down the halls, well at least I was walking... she was flying or hovering above the ground... flying shying, i dont need to have freedom over gravity, and do all that cool stuff...
"Oh no you don't!" A big burly guy yelled at us. Another one of his "friends" came running to see what the matter was.
"I'll take the one on the right you take left" Mariah commanded.
Immediately I charged after my oppenent waiting for his reaction. He swung his fist trying to grab me, but I jumped back, shot forward with a jump, and kicked him in the forehead. "Ugh!" he cried as he hit the floor. But he immediatly got back up.
"Tough guy huh?" I said looking at Mariah. She was pulling off some pretty sweet moves herself. The man Mariah was facing pulled out a shot gun, shot it, but the bullet went through her! She dissapeared into thin air, and all I could see was his face jerking up, him then holding his stomach, launghing forward hitting a wall, and then getting wacked upside the head with a metal bar.
"BRANDON! Look alive!" She shouted.
I looked back and the guy had almost knocked me down with a punch. Of course I wasnt gonna let him actualy TOUCH me, I had a "reputition" to hold. I did a backflip over the guys head, jumped up again facing his back, and planted a pretty decent mid air round house kick to his head. As he was stunned on the ground I shouted to Mariah "Come on! We need to get out of here!"
We both ran more down the halls, trying to find the exit.
"Why dont you just go through and find it?" I asked Mariah.
"I cant be invisible and go through stuff at the same time. If someone saw me... or an alarm went off, if they just had enough time then they could call back up. We were just lucky this time. I couldnt take a lot of people on my own."
The exit! Yes!
"Hey! Whats up Brandon?" A familiar and inviting voice said.
Kaitlen came through the exit doors.
"Kaitlen! Hey! Come on lets get out of here!" I said to both Kaitlen and Mariah.
Raven, Makena, Azure and, um... what's her name? ummmm Elyse? Yeah Elyse, well they came through the doors too.
"Come! Lets go!" I said impatiently walking trying to nudge my way past the... s...i...x six girls... in front of me... The six shadowy figures... the flapping noises... the beeps, as if someone was telling that guy what I was thinking... it all connected together.
"Mariah... get out of here now..." I warned.
"Just go if you want to live..."
The six girls charged at me, maybe my last fight... or a fight to the death... either way death could be here... either way, it wasnt my cup of tea...
I felt really bad... I had realized the last thing I said to my mom... a complaint. Those kick you in the butt comments that makes you feel horrible after a while. Only now I cant fix it because SHE WAS DEAD!
"Hey..." Someone said. I immediately jumped back.
"MARIAH! Don't scare me like that!" I shouted while she started coming out of her invisibility, watever you would call it.
"SHHHHH!!! You don't want anyone to hear do you?"
"No... so how'd you find me?"
"I was following you the whole time. I saw you up." She grabbed my arm and led me through the bars (yes... again THROUGH the bars like a ghost).
We started walking down the halls, well at least I was walking... she was flying or hovering above the ground... flying shying, i dont need to have freedom over gravity, and do all that cool stuff...
"Oh no you don't!" A big burly guy yelled at us. Another one of his "friends" came running to see what the matter was.
"I'll take the one on the right you take left" Mariah commanded.
Immediately I charged after my oppenent waiting for his reaction. He swung his fist trying to grab me, but I jumped back, shot forward with a jump, and kicked him in the forehead. "Ugh!" he cried as he hit the floor. But he immediatly got back up.
"Tough guy huh?" I said looking at Mariah. She was pulling off some pretty sweet moves herself. The man Mariah was facing pulled out a shot gun, shot it, but the bullet went through her! She dissapeared into thin air, and all I could see was his face jerking up, him then holding his stomach, launghing forward hitting a wall, and then getting wacked upside the head with a metal bar.
"BRANDON! Look alive!" She shouted.
I looked back and the guy had almost knocked me down with a punch. Of course I wasnt gonna let him actualy TOUCH me, I had a "reputition" to hold. I did a backflip over the guys head, jumped up again facing his back, and planted a pretty decent mid air round house kick to his head. As he was stunned on the ground I shouted to Mariah "Come on! We need to get out of here!"
We both ran more down the halls, trying to find the exit.
"Why dont you just go through and find it?" I asked Mariah.
"I cant be invisible and go through stuff at the same time. If someone saw me... or an alarm went off, if they just had enough time then they could call back up. We were just lucky this time. I couldnt take a lot of people on my own."
The exit! Yes!
"Hey! Whats up Brandon?" A familiar and inviting voice said.
Kaitlen came through the exit doors.
"Kaitlen! Hey! Come on lets get out of here!" I said to both Kaitlen and Mariah.
Raven, Makena, Azure and, um... what's her name? ummmm Elyse? Yeah Elyse, well they came through the doors too.
"Come! Lets go!" I said impatiently walking trying to nudge my way past the... s...i...x six girls... in front of me... The six shadowy figures... the flapping noises... the beeps, as if someone was telling that guy what I was thinking... it all connected together.
"Mariah... get out of here now..." I warned.
"Just go if you want to live..."
The six girls charged at me, maybe my last fight... or a fight to the death... either way death could be here... either way, it wasnt my cup of tea...
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