Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Section 2 part 4

I got up, and headed towards the base.

"Ugh, I had enough of this..."

I didn't know what i was thinking... I was just going. Maybe my friends will give me comfort... I walked through the doors, looking around for my friends. I walked through an automatic sliding door and saw Chantel.

"Hey! Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Where have YOU been?" She replied.

"Ummm. Places."

"Well everyone is in the "training room" practicing there skills."

"Well... where's Kaitlen? And I don't see Raven anywhere too. Or Makena now that I think about it."

"Oh they said they would be back."

"Ok... oh and I want to check out this training room!"


Chantel led me down several halls with some twists and turns. She seemed to know this place now like the back of her hand. She led me into a little room with a thick glass window bordered with rubber. I peered out the window and was completely amazed at what i saw. My eyes first caught Joe. He was fighting Riley. Riley's hands were burning with blue fire, and Joe had static electricity flying from his body. Riley made the first move throwing a ghostly blue fire ball at Joe, but Joe did something my eyes couldnt believe! He seemed to have warped, but I wouldnt exactly call it a warp. He seemed to jump from one place to the other like a lighning bolt. So fast I couldnt see him in between the time he jumped like a spark. Then Joe stretched his arms out and let loose a furious lash of lighting bolts that shot towards Riley, electrifying him. Riley dropped to the ground in a daze. Hannah ran out to Riley and put her hands on him. He went from electrified to revived.

"Wow! That was awsome! I wanna try!" I said with a shout.

"I'll fight you..." A boy around my age said.

"Hey! Your that boy I saw in the ally!" I said outraged running towards him.

"Wait! Did you actualy see me attack you though?!"

I stopped.

"Ummm... no... Well then..." I said with a little blush. "My name's Brandon."

"Mine's Jake..." He looked down to the ground.

"Well then let's do this!" I said walking out the door into the battle arena.

Jake followed too. We got into position, staring eachother down. I looked into his eyes, and saw a pathetic look. A look of lonelyness. I had the agitated feeling. I jumped up and did a backflip, looking down at why I had the need to jump. He had chucked a purple fireball at me.

"All right! You think your tough!? Well take this!" I said levitating a pole near me.

I started making it spin in the air really fast, almost a blur, I grabbed it and hit him. He completly envoloped himself in purple flames, melting the pole right before my eyes.

"Uh oh!" I said.

He charged at me, with a fiery blitz. I had to think of something... and quick! He was getting closer and closer... I felt hopeless... He threw a fire punch, I dodged. I hatched a plan! There were some weights. I used my levitatin powers to lift a small dumbell up. I flung it in the sky. It started falling.

"What?" Jake said.

His flames died down. Yes! A perfect chance. I ran towards him and threw a fierce kick. He fell to the ground holding his stomach. He looked furiated! He got up and let out a huge fiery burst, completely singeing me... I wiped out. When I woke up i was in a bed. All my friends were gathered around me.

"Wow! Your sure took a nasty one!" Riley said.

Ugh, my head hurt... A LOT.

"You where out for 5 hours!" Hannah said.
Oh come on... i hopped out of bed. Everyone signaled me to lay back down.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's like 12 at night! We all heard you sleep talking."

I felt all sweaty.

"Get some sleep!" Hannah said.

I layed down. I didn't feel sleepy at all but i tried. After about 5 minutes after everyone left, I looked around the base a little. I saw Jake walking around too. I followed him. He led me up the stairs, and I quitly followed him, making sure he didnt know i was following him. We were on the roof now. I looked up and saw the same star I saw last night, only it was much bigger this time. I looked at Jake. He was sobbing. I saw a trash can, so i hid behind it. After about five minutes of listening to his sobbing, I saw six shadows walking towards the base. Behind them thousands of other shadows.

"WOW!" I shouted. Jake heard me. I ran down the stairs, shouting the alert. Everyone got ready for an arrival.

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