Saturday, May 30, 2009


I have a request to change the background color... its getting boring now.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jake Section 2 part 8

"Well we can't just have Mariah out there alone!" I yelled.

"She isn't the only one out there Jake. We have a couple people out there like Brian." Burt replied.

"What kind of leader are you?! Let me go! Let me help them!" I was furiated.

"No Jake!"

I stormed out of the room, mad beyond imagination. I could feel my blood bubble with heat. I had to get all of this energy out. I would go outside... I walked out the door of the base. Purple fire began flailing around my hands. I let it all out and a purple inferno blasted up towards the sky, flames spouting out everywhere. I fell to the ground exausted but i didnt care, I just wanted to let it out. I walked to my room ready to sleep. I really wanted to help...

I pried open the door looking inside. There lay my parents, dead. What happened? A searing feeling was edging at me on my arm. The ambulence raced towards the car, examining what had happened. I ran away far from it all. Why did it happen to ME?! It just didnt seem right... I could feel tears running down my cheeks... everything was wrong... all wrong... almost everyone was against me... all my friends were in a different school... help me...

Brandon section 2 part 7 The last

I ran deeper into the base stalling for time, trying to think where I was going to go next.

You can't escape Brandon. We know your every move.

Makena... She could peer into my mind, my thoughts... I had to think of something... block out everything. But... what was there to fight for? I'm trapped... my family's dead...

Yes thats right, give up. Nothing you can do, just give up.

Well... if it was going to end here I might as well not go down without a fight... I turned around to face my enemies. Every second I became stronger, and my guess was that they were becoming stronger too. I stretched my arms out, and clapped them together making the walls from the left and right collide together making a metal, jagged barrier. Good... more time to think. Here we go... were did Mariah go...

"Mariah? Hello? Are you here?" I shouted. No answer.

I walked farther into the base, the lights dimming.

We will find you!

Fat chance! Still... I need to find a way out of-

"Hmhmhmhm... I see you have lost your way!" A man said walking around a corner.

"As long as I get out of here alive i'm fine!" I said grudgingly. It was the same guy who asked me those questions.

"Well I don't think that will be possible!" Shadows started forming around him. I gripped my hands in the shape of fists.

Shadowy figures raced towards me. I hooked one, and it disappeared in a puff of smoke, but one pushed me with brute force backwards.

"Oof!" I groaned as I hit the ground.

"You see some things were just meant to be. I can gaurentee this will be your last day. I'm sorry it didn't work out like you thought it could, escaping and winning in the end. Some stories just don't have happy endings." He pulled out a gun and pointed to to my head. I couldn't move at all. The Shadowy figures were pinning me down. "Say your prayers! Click, BOOM!"

Life was fading, I knew that it was done... I knew this was it... I kne...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Weapons section 2

With these goggles Raven can now see ten times better.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weapons Better defined. Section 1

I am now posting the certain things Chantel will be getting us as weapons and gadgets. Just request any gadgets that you want.

The first one is my power pole. Chantel has harnessed my power and created a pole that ups my levitating powers making it more powerful. It can also (from the sides of the pole) have gravity disks pop out from the sides of the pole to turn it into a hover board. Brandon then uses his levitating powers to propell the board forward.

Second is Chantel's mode of transportation. This Vehicle harneses gravity and hovers right above the ground.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Part 23: What Side is Elyse on?

Elyse was a dark, menacing crow. In front of her, her friends ran faster and faster, their powers in their hands, or at least ready to strike. Brandon and Mariah (or was that a shadow?) stood in the corridor wearing brave faces.

Minutes before, the six in black had been rushed through a crowd. Elyse had heard murmurs about burning down the base, attacking the leader of the other side (whoever that was), rebelling against everyone and forming a new alliance, and many other things.

Cawing once, Elyse dipped her head to fly faster, trying to drown out the pandemonium. The crow part of her brain demanded that she keep moving on, but the human part had its doubts.

Come on, you've come this far!

You know this is wrong. Stop.

You're weak. This is your chance to show everyone that you're strong.

Turn back. Take the Escape.

The Escape... She looked over her shoulder and there it was. Could she really betray her friends, even if it was for the sake of good? She'd already betrayed that side. Elyse shook her black-feathered head. Maybe she could help Mariah and Brandon. Maybe she could rescue the base from burning.

Maybe you can admit you're a coward and finish this! shrieked the crow's thoughts.

Elyse glanced over her shoulder. After all this turmoil within her, only a few seconds had passed. She still had a chance to take the Escape. Glancing at her friends with a beady black eye, Elyse turned toward the Escape...

Section 2 part 6

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!! DONT LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!" I sat up quickly, a pool of sweat was forming around my body. "Only a dream..."

I felt really bad... I had realized the last thing I said to my mom... a complaint. Those kick you in the butt comments that makes you feel horrible after a while. Only now I cant fix it because SHE WAS DEAD!

"Hey..." Someone said. I immediately jumped back.

"MARIAH! Don't scare me like that!" I shouted while she started coming out of her invisibility, watever you would call it.

"SHHHHH!!! You don't want anyone to hear do you?"

"No... so how'd you find me?"

"I was following you the whole time. I saw you up." She grabbed my arm and led me through the bars (yes... again THROUGH the bars like a ghost).

We started walking down the halls, well at least I was walking... she was flying or hovering above the ground... flying shying, i dont need to have freedom over gravity, and do all that cool stuff...

"Oh no you don't!" A big burly guy yelled at us. Another one of his "friends" came running to see what the matter was.

"I'll take the one on the right you take left" Mariah commanded.

Immediately I charged after my oppenent waiting for his reaction. He swung his fist trying to grab me, but I jumped back, shot forward with a jump, and kicked him in the forehead. "Ugh!" he cried as he hit the floor. But he immediatly got back up.

"Tough guy huh?" I said looking at Mariah. She was pulling off some pretty sweet moves herself. The man Mariah was facing pulled out a shot gun, shot it, but the bullet went through her! She dissapeared into thin air, and all I could see was his face jerking up, him then holding his stomach, launghing forward hitting a wall, and then getting wacked upside the head with a metal bar.

"BRANDON! Look alive!" She shouted.

I looked back and the guy had almost knocked me down with a punch. Of course I wasnt gonna let him actualy TOUCH me, I had a "reputition" to hold. I did a backflip over the guys head, jumped up again facing his back, and planted a pretty decent mid air round house kick to his head. As he was stunned on the ground I shouted to Mariah "Come on! We need to get out of here!"

We both ran more down the halls, trying to find the exit.

"Why dont you just go through and find it?" I asked Mariah.

"I cant be invisible and go through stuff at the same time. If someone saw me... or an alarm went off, if they just had enough time then they could call back up. We were just lucky this time. I couldnt take a lot of people on my own."

The exit! Yes!

"Hey! Whats up Brandon?" A familiar and inviting voice said.

Kaitlen came through the exit doors.

"Kaitlen! Hey! Come on lets get out of here!" I said to both Kaitlen and Mariah.

Raven, Makena, Azure and, um... what's her name? ummmm Elyse? Yeah Elyse, well they came through the doors too.

"Come! Lets go!" I said impatiently walking trying to nudge my way past the... s...i...x six girls... in front of me... The six shadowy figures... the flapping noises... the beeps, as if someone was telling that guy what I was thinking... it all connected together.

"Mariah... get out of here now..." I warned.


"Just go if you want to live..."

The six girls charged at me, maybe my last fight... or a fight to the death... either way death could be here... either way, it wasnt my cup of tea...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Section 2 part 5

I ran outside to see who it was. The moon barely was bright enough to help me see the shadowy figures. Instantly I was kicked down to the ground. Someone put a sack over my head and lifted me off the ground. I heard flapping noises. I was soooo confused. I knew it was going to be a turn for the worse. I had to prepare for the battle of a life time. They dropped me and i hit the floor with a "Ugh huh!" They jerked me off the ground and started pushing me to who knows where.

They sat me down and took the sack off my head.

"If you want to live," a man said, sitting across a table from me, "then truthfuly answer these questions. We have ways of finding out if you are truthful or not." He snickered, "So i'd suggest giving your full cooperation." He lifted a picture up. "Do you know this man?"

The man looked vaguely familiar, like some subcnoscious image that was trying to force its way to my thoughts. "No, im not sure who he is."

I heard a faint beep. He faintly smiled. "Ok... are you familiar with this?" He lifted up a necklace. On it was a moon shaped pendant.

"Where did you get that?!" I asked getting excited.

"Your house. Last week. So you know what it is?"

"Yes? It's a necklace that my parents gave to me when I was little." My parents... oh how I missed my family.

"Hm. Your parents. And do you know what happened to your parents by chance?"

My heart dropped. What could have happened? "No?"

"They refused to give information about your family. The penalty of that was death."

I was shocked. Tears immediatly started swelling up in my eyes.

"Tell me about your family." He asked.

"Um," I started chocking up,"my brother is 7 years younger than me... 'gasp' and, my parents..."

I couldnt take it. I broke out into a fit of tears.

"Your brother... Do you have any other siblings?" He asked.


Another soft beep.

"Is your name Brandon?"

I didn't want to tell him. I just wanted to get out of here. "No..."

I heard another soft beep and then another one after that.

"You lied. But I wont worry about this one... mistake." He signaled the two guys to put a sack on my head. They started leading me down to the unkown, and threw me in a small room. The floor felt cold, and I really wanted this sack off my head. I focused my energy on the sack and I lifted it off of my head. I could see where I was. In another jail cell. Great, my happy place. It didn't seem as high tech as the the cell I was in last time. But I was finaly tired, and sad, and...lonely... then my thoughts raced back to that photo. Who was that guy on the photo? He looked so familiar, yet... I couldnt put my finger on it... I layed down and dozed off.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Section 2 part 4

I got up, and headed towards the base.

"Ugh, I had enough of this..."

I didn't know what i was thinking... I was just going. Maybe my friends will give me comfort... I walked through the doors, looking around for my friends. I walked through an automatic sliding door and saw Chantel.

"Hey! Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Where have YOU been?" She replied.

"Ummm. Places."

"Well everyone is in the "training room" practicing there skills."

"Well... where's Kaitlen? And I don't see Raven anywhere too. Or Makena now that I think about it."

"Oh they said they would be back."

"Ok... oh and I want to check out this training room!"


Chantel led me down several halls with some twists and turns. She seemed to know this place now like the back of her hand. She led me into a little room with a thick glass window bordered with rubber. I peered out the window and was completely amazed at what i saw. My eyes first caught Joe. He was fighting Riley. Riley's hands were burning with blue fire, and Joe had static electricity flying from his body. Riley made the first move throwing a ghostly blue fire ball at Joe, but Joe did something my eyes couldnt believe! He seemed to have warped, but I wouldnt exactly call it a warp. He seemed to jump from one place to the other like a lighning bolt. So fast I couldnt see him in between the time he jumped like a spark. Then Joe stretched his arms out and let loose a furious lash of lighting bolts that shot towards Riley, electrifying him. Riley dropped to the ground in a daze. Hannah ran out to Riley and put her hands on him. He went from electrified to revived.

"Wow! That was awsome! I wanna try!" I said with a shout.

"I'll fight you..." A boy around my age said.

"Hey! Your that boy I saw in the ally!" I said outraged running towards him.

"Wait! Did you actualy see me attack you though?!"

I stopped.

"Ummm... no... Well then..." I said with a little blush. "My name's Brandon."

"Mine's Jake..." He looked down to the ground.

"Well then let's do this!" I said walking out the door into the battle arena.

Jake followed too. We got into position, staring eachother down. I looked into his eyes, and saw a pathetic look. A look of lonelyness. I had the agitated feeling. I jumped up and did a backflip, looking down at why I had the need to jump. He had chucked a purple fireball at me.

"All right! You think your tough!? Well take this!" I said levitating a pole near me.

I started making it spin in the air really fast, almost a blur, I grabbed it and hit him. He completly envoloped himself in purple flames, melting the pole right before my eyes.

"Uh oh!" I said.

He charged at me, with a fiery blitz. I had to think of something... and quick! He was getting closer and closer... I felt hopeless... He threw a fire punch, I dodged. I hatched a plan! There were some weights. I used my levitatin powers to lift a small dumbell up. I flung it in the sky. It started falling.

"What?" Jake said.

His flames died down. Yes! A perfect chance. I ran towards him and threw a fierce kick. He fell to the ground holding his stomach. He looked furiated! He got up and let out a huge fiery burst, completely singeing me... I wiped out. When I woke up i was in a bed. All my friends were gathered around me.

"Wow! Your sure took a nasty one!" Riley said.

Ugh, my head hurt... A LOT.

"You where out for 5 hours!" Hannah said.
Oh come on... i hopped out of bed. Everyone signaled me to lay back down.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's like 12 at night! We all heard you sleep talking."

I felt all sweaty.

"Get some sleep!" Hannah said.

I layed down. I didn't feel sleepy at all but i tried. After about 5 minutes after everyone left, I looked around the base a little. I saw Jake walking around too. I followed him. He led me up the stairs, and I quitly followed him, making sure he didnt know i was following him. We were on the roof now. I looked up and saw the same star I saw last night, only it was much bigger this time. I looked at Jake. He was sobbing. I saw a trash can, so i hid behind it. After about five minutes of listening to his sobbing, I saw six shadows walking towards the base. Behind them thousands of other shadows.

"WOW!" I shouted. Jake heard me. I ran down the stairs, shouting the alert. Everyone got ready for an arrival.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

header 4

Okay, how's this? I changed the place of the text so you can see the hand better.... Tell me what you think!

header 2

Okay, so here's another one.... tell me what you think!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

It is part 19..... when the twists start coming... and the brandon will start hating.... uh oh.....

After we sent the food throwers to clean up the base, Makena, Kaitlen, Azure, Elyse, Janae and I had a meeting. 
I lead the six of us out side and to the back of the Sugar Cane Mill. "I think its time." I told them. Makena and Elyse shifted and Janae's eyes darted around. 
"Are you sure?" Elyse asked, I thought for a moment, then nodded. 
"With the Comet coming in 5 days....." I did the math in my head, "We should of left three days ago..." 
Kaitlen and Makena chuckled. "Will we be able to make it in time?" Elyse asked. I smiled, Elyse was alway thinking practically. A.N BUT IN A GOOD WAY!!! 
"If we leave now," I said with confidence, "and make NO stops, we'll get there in time."
"Well, Lets do it!" Janae shouted.
When we got there, all dressed in black, we knew it was time.
"How can we destroy them?" They asked in a monotonous voice.
"Let us in," I replied back, "And we will tell you everything, including where Brandon and the rest are hiding." 
They laughed, a long and hideous laugh. 
It was time. 

Section 2 part 3

As I was walking through the grass I could see Raven over head. I ducked down into the sugar cane. She just flew right over me. I just want to go home... I don't want to fight... I don't even want to THINK about dying... I fiddled with my powers making the cane sway to and fro. I saw a field full of corn across the street. I walked over there and gently focused on the corn plucking it off of the stem and levitating it towards me. I peeled the skin off of it and started munching away. It was getting dark so I started heading to the blinkering lights of town. I had that agitated feeling again and I looked back. A bus was passing by. I ran up and made an extremely high jump on to the top of the bus. I just sat back and relaxed. Usualy when I'm alone I think about life... where I am at in the world. Sometimes thats a mistake, but I did it anyway thinking to myself, "Im a loner now... no one cares. A renagade, a freak. That hurt. I couldn't go home, I couldn't do anything. Just run. I curled up in a ball ontop of the bus and started crying to myself. I hated being alone, yet another part of me wanted to be alone. It was a weird conflict I had with myself. When the bus had stopped in town, I hopped off wiped my eyes, and started walking around. I walked past an ally.

"Hey kid." A voice said.

I started walking faster.

"No wait! I can tell. Your just like one of us..." It said.

I stopped.

"What do you mean...?" I replied.

A guy around the age of 18 or 20 walked out of the dark part of the ally into view, along with a female around the same age and a boy around my age. The older guy pointed his finger towards the sky. Black fire hovered just above his finger.

"See that star?" He pointed to a bright glimmering light up in the sky. "The bigger it gets the more powerful we become. The closer "The Day" comes."

He knew I had powers just like him. I didn't know how, but he did. But as soon as I heard "The Day" I started walking away in a huff.

"YOU COWARD!" The guy yelled.

The agitated feeling. I dived to the ground! I could hardly see it but I could feel it. Something fiery hot flew past my head. I jumped up and faced my oppenent. His eyes were in an angered look. He looked like he was about to explode.

"You don't know what we do to people who refuse to join us... BUT YOUR GOING TO REGRET IT! HIYA!"

I lowered my hands to the ground, and lifted them up really quickly. A small section of the sidewalk lifted up blocking the fiery attack. I ran towards him and kicked him in the face. He fell to the ground. The girl came rushing towards me, jumped up high into the air, and dived at me, turning into a vortex of wind. There was nothing I could do... I couldnt jump back, it just sucked me in. I flew off the ground, but the girl quickly changed that. She, still was diving at me, grabbed me and pounded me to the ground. They ran back into the ally snickering leaving me sprawled on the ground.

"Ugh..." I got up from the ground holding my head. "I oof! gotta get stronger... I'm not gonna urgh, let everyone down..."

I kept walking. I didn't know where I was going but I just kept walking. I fell to the ground and slept. Exuasted from everything that happened. I dreamed... thoughts that taunted me, that wanted me to get better. I wouldn't give up. If we were gonna do this battle, then I had to get stronger. No holding back. No... holding... ba... i konked out and went into deep sleep.

The next day I was up bright and early. I had to wipe off all the rocks and gravel on my face because I was sleeping on the sidewalk. I saw a wooden flag pole. I focused on it and pulled it off the wall. I grabbed it and ran off to the cane field. When I got there I flung the pole out in front of me and it did a wide circle and came back to me like a boomerang knocking down sugar cane. I focused as far down into the ground as possible trying to lift it up with my levitating powers, creating a huge wall of dirt in front of me. I tried kicking it but it wouldnt budge. Then i tried kicking it focusing my powers on my foot. With my levitating powers I kicked the wall and it started to fly forwards. I let go of my focus and it just fell to the ground. It felt good, almost addictive to be powerful. But I pushed that thought out of my head. I heard a loud BANG! There was a huge tank coming towards the sugar cane factory. I ran towards it. They must have had some kind of tracking device because they shot at me right away with there huge blasting ammo. I didn't even have the agitated feeling I just dodged on my own. BOOM! I flung my wooden pool at one of the motercycles. The guy on it flew off. I ran up to the motercycle and hopped on.

"I'm gonna get these guys off my back once and for all!" I shouted.

I rode the motercycle as close as a could and did a backflip off of it. I focused my energy on the lid of the tank and opened up. I flung the guy inside the tank up and out of it and kicked him to the ground. I was fed up with everyone. Everything. It was controlling. But I quickly snapped out of it. More motercycles sped towards me. I jumped off of the tank and ran towards them. They shot at me, but I spun around using my levitating powers to curve the bullet back at them. I hopped on to another motercycle and accelerated towards my foes. I grabbed the wooden pole and flung it at another guy. He flew off and I jumped onto the other motercycle and again jumped off of that one and kicked another guy in the face. I accelerated on the motercycle turned around, jumped off the motercycle and let the motercycles collide. A huge BOOM! and UGH! could be heard a mile away. I landed on the ground rolling, and I just laid there to catch my breath.

"What a wild ride...!" I panted.

Chapter 18...... lmao, this is getting long......

I looked down from the sky to see Elyse. She was in dog form, and running right behind me. 
It took about 15 min. till I saw the old sugar mill. 
I landed, just as Elyse turned back to-well Elyse. 
"Let go!" I said, opening the huge doors, and running inside. "Whats going on?" I yelled, seeing utter chaos. 
"What in the world...?" Elyse said from behind me. 
The sight we saw was horrendous, but yet hilarious. The walls, floor and kids were all covered in what looked like chunky blood-but in reality, was just todays lunch-Spaghetti and LOTS of red sauce. 
"I am N. O. T. Not cleaning this up." I said throwing my hands up in the air. "What happend here?" I asked the nearest spaghetti kid. 
"We were...bored?" The random kid said, chuckling, and walking away. 
After a few more seconds of just staring in awe, Elyse and I both shouted out to Makena. 
She came running, along with Kaitlen, Joe, Janae and Azure. Who were the ONLY ones not covered in lunch. "What did you guys do?" I asked. Looking around. No body said anything, instead we all bursted out laughing. 

Powers (Better defined)

Brandon: Spidermanlike reflexis, move things without even touching them.
ability: A pole. He uses his ability to move things without even touching and can throw his pole at enemys and retrieve it without even letting it touch the ground. He also gets an agitated feeling every once in a while alerting him of possible danger.

Jake (Fictional): Purple fire
ability: This loner can manipulate purple fire. He can also envelope himself in a ghostly purple inferno.

Joe: Electricity, spark.
ability: He can jump from metal object to metal object like lightning and electrify enemies on command.

Riley: Blue fire.
Ability: Can minipulate blue fire, the hottest burning fire. He also can envelope his whole body in encinerating flames.

Nate: Vibrating body
Ability: Run faster than the speed of sound. The wind is on his side would be a simple way of saying it.

Mariah: Has ghost like qualities.
Ability: Can go through solid objects, turn invisible, flight. abilitys make her almost impossible to catch or touch.

Chantel: Technopath
Abilitly: She can create almost any small technological device (with parts of course) within a nano second. Can control most technological devices. Perfect gal if your Nintendo Wii breaks!

Hannah: Healing powers
Ability: She can heal almost any injuries, making it possible to bring life back to the dead (with some limitations of course)

Jessica: One with nature
Ability: Can pretty much control all plant life. She sure has a green thumb!

Gabbie: Golden wings
Ability: Golden wings spread out from her back. The feathers on her back are very hard sorta making her wings her shield. It also slows her down a bit while flying though. The golden wings match her blond hair... You know someone is dangerous when they have wings on their back!

Makena: Genius
Abilitly: her whole brain is stronger than a super computer. Her mind is so strong she can transfer thoughts to any person she desires. She can even create a wave of energy stored in her brain to make a pschotic explosion. She can also cause people to forget anything. Don't ever underestimate brain over bronze. She can also control peoples thoughts if they were week minded enough.

Raven: Pure white wings
Ability: Pure white wings that spread from her back. Her wings are whiter than snow. She is very fast as far as flying goes. Speed is her strong point. She defies the saying "killing two birds with one stone"

Daniel: Red fire
Ability:Manipulates red fire. Not as powerful as blue fire, but she has more flexibility on what she can do with it, like summon lava from the earth. It really goes good with her bright red hair.

Faith: Teleportations
Ability: can travel through space in a split second. very limited though.Ani: Energy Shield, Blue

Ani: Plasma Hands
Ability: Can generate a force field, deflecting almost anything. She can also shoot plasma beems from her hands.

Elyse: Shape Shifter
Ability: Can change from human to bird to anything. If stayed in one form too long she might thinks that she is no longer human. Also... I'd like to add to my power. :) I can do birds, and small-medium mammals. (And apparently snakes.) Nothing with a brain that's too small, like a bug (ew, who'd want to do that anyway?!). Still working on my ability to keep part of my brain. :D

Azure: Icegirl
Ability: Can control, manipulate and make ice. She also has the power of walking and changing outfits super fast.

Janae: Creates and Manipulates weather.
Ability: If someone is raining on her parade she will make it rain on them. Literally. If you're her friend, fun in the sun!

Part 17: Where is Brandon?

Elyse enjoyed being a hawk. Her keen eyesight would be helpful in spotting Brandon, the guy she had briefly met in the base......and also on co-commented on a picture of Mariah on Facebook.

Her stomach still growled. The disgusting spaghetti and meatballs had not been enough, and after the disturbance at the base, she just wanted to get out. She now fought to keep her full mind and not let the bird brain take over, like it had at that ward place.

Peering down at the overgrown cane field beneath her (No need for glasses like this! she thought), Elyse sensed movement. She zoomed down and instinctively let down her claws, snatched the thing that had moved, and soared up again. Good thing this isn't Brandon...

It was a mouse. At first she was repulsed, but then remembered her hunger. After her two minds fought, the hawk one managed to win. She consumed the mouse (to what would have been her human mind's horror) and went in search for more.

Preening herself on a branch, Elyse looked up. It was a girl with wings! A human!! She shrieked, but then remembered again that she was a human herself. She squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on that. When she opened them again, Elyse discovered Raven with her arms crossed, looking annoyed.

"And what were you doing? I searched for Brandon for at least half an hour!" she said.

"Ummm...I uh....was hungry?"

She shook her head, and continued to speak. Unfortunately, Elyse didn't hear any of it because a Makena-message spoke into her head. "Elyse? Are you there?"

Yeah, it's me. What's up?

"I tried to contact you earlier, but I think you were a bird. There was this weird chant that said, 'FOOD FOOD FOOD!' going on in your head. I watched for a little while through your eyes but uh...." Elyse felt her shudder through mind speaking.

We didn't find Brandon, she told Makena with her head.

"I know. But you and Raven had better head back to base IMMEDIATELY."


From Makena came a yelp and a flash of anger, presumably meant for someone back at base. "Listen, I gotta go. Get Raven and come back now." AN I'm not saying that Makena is bossy, but that's how I would act if I were in her circumstance.

There was a silence, and Elyse heard Raven talking again. "Okay, fine, I'm going to look for Brandon again."

"Wait!" Elyse cried. "Makena was talking to me. She said come back to base."

"Could she contact Brandon?"

Elyse shook her head. "I'm sure she would have said something if she had."

"Okay," said Raven hesitantly. "Let's go." She launched herself into the air.

Elyse hesitated as well and mentally scrolled through a list of intelligent birds. In the end, she decided on shifting to a dog and following Raven's shadow.

Makena, here we come. Oh Lord, please don't let us find total chaos back at base.