Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Part 16....i think...the number are getting all confusing... :P

I watched as Brandon walked-more like limped out of the Mill. Should I go and talk to him? I asked Makena in my head. 
Your choice. She said. I sighed, Better go to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I signaled Elyse and she came waking over. "Do you wanna come with me to go and get Brandon?" I asked her.
"Sure, I'm getting bored here anyways." She replied. I laughed. 
We walked out the doors of the old mill, looking for Brandon. "Where did he go?" I asked Elyse. 
"I have no idea, fly up and see if you can find him." I un-curled my white wings and flew up a few feet. Elyse shape-shifted into a Hawk and came up and joined me. 

section 2 part 2

Our little gang sat at one table.

"EWWW!" Kaitlen screamed. "Spider webs!"

"Don't worry 'cough' Kaitlen, I'm sure the spider already climbed on someone else" I chuckled.

That made her MAD! "So what and how are we gonna eat?"

"I think they 'borrowed' some food... i'm not sure." Mariah said.

The sliding glass doors opened.

"Haha! Hi Jesse!" I shouted. "Ow! My side..."

"I'm feeling better now... let me help." Hannah said extending her hand towards me.

I felt sorta like a ton of weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I felt surprisingly better.

"Wow! I feel a LOT better! What did you do anyway?"

"Well think i have healing powers... you almost died... so I used a lot of energy to try and save you..." Hannah said looking down.

"And im suppose to believe that you all of a sudden knew how to use this power?"

"Sigh, well there was this dead bird. I picked it up in my hands and started crying." She blushed a little. "But right before my eyes it was revived! It flew right out of my hands!"

Wow! There isnt any end to these surprises is there?
"Wait so how did you guys get all this tech stuff anyway? And where are we?" I asked looking

around at all the cool stuff.

"Well we're at an abandoned sugar cane factory." Joe said.

"And you can thank Chantel for all these cool stuff!" Danielle replied.

A skinny man with glasses walked through the doors.

"Who's he?" I asked.

I had sooo many questions and I could tell everyone was getting annoyed from them.

"He's a doctor who is trying to help us out." Makena said.

"What are YOU lookin at!" One of the teens said to an older aged man.

"I'm not looking at anything you snot nosed brat!" The man replied.

All of a sudden everyone was chanting, "Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!!!".
The man's hands grew sharp and matalic like, but the teen swung his arm around letting loose a hyper sonic BOOM!!! Sending the man flying backwards hitting the wall making him unconscious.

"Hey!" A teenaged girl got up from her seat. "Knock it off!"

"Don't you tell ME what to do Susan!" The teenaged boy said.

He flung his arm around again making another super sonic boom, but the girl crossed her arms around her head creating a forcefield, reflecting the boom back to him wiping him out.

"That's what you get for trying to hit a lady! Hmph!" She said sitting down.

Everyone started cheering her on.

"Oooook?" I said.

'Ding, ding, ding, ding, CRASH!' Someone was trying to attract everyone's attention by tapping a
glass cup but it shattered.

"Oh! Ooops!" The guy said. He looked around the age of 20. "Um... may I have your attention!?"

All eyes turned towards him.

"Um, well my name is Burt," several people let out a chuckle, "We have some new recruits. I would like all of you to make them feel welcome. The more people we have the more of a chance we will have of conquering when "The Day" comes."

Huh? What was... "The Day"?

"The Day' I have learned, is a day of battle..." Makena said telepathicaly to me. She seemed to have scanned my thoughts.

Well? What do you mean by that?

"Well like I said earlier there is a comet that is coming soon. Not everyone will do good with
there powers or just stay out of trouble."

She handed me a newspaper. On the cover it was titled "Human Beasts or Super Heroes?". I scanned through the paper. It said that humans with mutations were creating havoc. Robbing, stealing, all that junk.

Im still not completely sure where this is goin.

"Sigh. At the time of the comet, one of the psychic type of guys or watever people who can see the future, have foreseen an attack. This person has seen in the vision two groups, us and abusers of their powers."

She looked down to the ground.

"We could die."

That's when I had it.

"I'm out of here" I said out loud.

I walked out of the room and out of the factory. I just wanted to go home, sit down on the couch, and watch tv.

Section 2 part 1 (Better explained)

"Br...on. B...a...don"

"Is he gonna make it? He's pretty banged up..."

"Well what Hannah did... it did something..."

"Yeah but Hannah's lookin kinda sick... she's turning a little pale."

"Ah she'll be fine. We've been through enough to know what she can go through."

I finaly started snapping out of my daze.


"He's waking up!"

"Where... am I?" I asked to whoever would answer.

"Your at our resistent base!" Someone replied.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Gabbie! Duh?!" She chuckled.

I was still kinda out of it.

"Wait! Since when did we have a resistent base?" I asked.

"Well, you were knocked out for about 3 days sooo... well and some people started this organization... and now we have shelter for the time being" Gabbie said.

"Oh... WHAT?! THREE DAYS!? WHAT HAPPENED!" I gasped. "Ugh, I don't feel to good..." I layed back down.

"Just rest. Everything will be ok." Raven said. "This is my friend Elyse. She is a shape shifter!"

"Uh hey?"

Makena walked up to me and whispered something into my ear, "Brandon, I need to talk to you... privately..."

Oh no now what... Makena helped me up but couldn't support my whole weight. I fell back to the ground.

"Hey Joe!" I yelled.


"I need your help..."

He and Makena flung my arms around their shoulders and dragged me through these sliding glass doors.

"Since when were we smart enough to make sliding steel doors?" I asked.

"I'll get to that." Makena replied.

We entered another room. It was kinda like one of those business lookin rooms. A large oval table in the middle and chairs all around the table. No one was in the room except the three of us. Joe and Makena plopped me on one of the chairs and Makena signaled Joe to leave the room.

"I learned a lot from when you were unconscious (1. Idk if i spelt that right, and 2. Makena u can add watever other info you want in your part of the story. Idk wat else u would have learned)."

An akward silence.

"Well are you gonna tell me or what?" I said unpatiently.

"Yeah... right... just need to figure out where to start..." She thought a little. "Ok I'm just gonna start with my "mutated power". I'm a genius. I've learned that I am more smarter than any computer in the world... I can also talk to people... telepathicaly... except I wouldn't exactly call it telepathy..."

It clicked. "Oh! So it was YOU who was talking to me!"

"Yeah... well I also overheard everything you and that...UGH! FREAK were talking about. I did some research on that..."

The whole conversation I had with that strange man was slipping from me. The only question I had in my mind was, "Who was that man talking about?"

Makena started again, "Well, um" It looked like she was trying to avoid saying a certain thing.

"The person who was up in the space... station thing, was workin on meteorites as you already know. Well it turns out that the substance he was working on..." She looked like I wouldn't believe this, "is not actualy a rock but it was a cluster of small micro organisms... In a way I guess you could call it an alien... or just another germ..."

I now had another question, "What does this have to do with us?"

"Right now... those micro organisms are living inside of us as we speak..."

I felt kinda sick. Something living inside of me? Major grossedge...

"And how does that affect us?" I asked.

"Well these organsisms, feed on different parts of our bodies... there parasites. The diseases they leave affects us in different ways, depending on where they feed. That's what gives us our powers. There is also another thing... that man, he wants us all killed because of something that happened in the past..."

Hmmm... this is gettin juicy...

" Well from what i have learned, most comets contain those micro organisms. It must have been
completely dumb luck that a comet with these parasites crashed here on Earth. These parasites have been in hibernation probably for thousands of years because they did not have enough energy to servive. The energy source, a black looking crystal found rarely in comets. These parasites have awakened from there sleep because the large amounts of energy they get from those crystals are getting nearer. I've also learned that something like this has happened before. The meteorite containing the parasites, entered the earth's atmosphere and infected a great amount of people. I'm not exactly sure when it happened. My guess is it happened A LONG time ago... Maybe that's how they came up with "Super Heroes"... Well anyway, I read that they abused their powers and created havoc... maybe even went psychotic..."

Another thought came to mind... What if there are still people out there who are abusing their powers?

"Well what happened to them?" I asked.

"I'm getting to that! The comet containing the crystals made everyone's powers... how would i say this without you not understanding me... better, more powerful. Two sides rose up. One who fought for peace and one who fought for power. And, I'm hungry! I think its time for dinner."

Wow! Dinner? I was almost knocked out for 4 days! But I was pretty hungry... We both went to what looked like the cafeteria.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So the font position, type, and color can be adjusted (and sorry I added "ness" on the second one). Tell me how you like them. Click on it to see the full header. Or I can make one out of this photo:



Monday, April 27, 2009

Part 13: Interlude

Azure, Kaitlen, Elyse, Janae and I were walking through a cane field looking for the abandoned sugar cane mill where the others were. "Gosh, could they have picked a more icky place to stay?" Azure complained-I totally agreed with her, but I was the sort-of-leader-ish person, so I just couldn't voice it aloud. Since it took soooooooooooooooo long to get to the old mill, we all started playing with our powers. Azure could not only manipulate ice, but she could change into different outfits with the blink of an eye. IT WAS AWESOME!!! "Man," I said, "I TOTALLY want your power!!!" I whined. Kailten laughed. Elyse and Kaitlen also played with their powers-Elyse had fun with turning into a snake, scaring us all!!!!! During this time Janae also discovered her power, she could make/change/manipulate the weather. She really loved her power, making it rain on us, but still keeping her self dry. 

Finally, we got to the old sugar cane factory. I sighed, hopefully they were there. "Lets go." I thought aloud, as Kaitlen used her super strength to open the old doors. 

As we five walked in, we were happy to be reunited with all of our friends. They were scattered about the mill, not many were hurt...Thank the Lord. 
Smiles and hugs were exchanged, and then it was conference time. 

Part 12: The escape and base

written from makena's point of view. And 'A/N' means Authors Note 

I stepped into the leader roll quickly, it soon became second nature. So when Raven and Kaitlen decided that they would find imprisoned friends and I would go with the others to a hospital; I said okay. And left. Praying and hoping that each team would meet up together, eventually. Safely. 

"Where are we going?" Nate asked. 
"I think we should get out of this place." I said, disgusted that we were still in this dark, drab, warehouse like building. 
"Good idea, but how?" Someone asked. I couldn't help it, i didn't know all of Brandon's friends, aka the whole church by name. 
"Does anyone have any ideas?" I asked. There was a small rumble of incoherent responses. 
I sighed. "We'll find a way, lets just keep walking."
When I watched Chantel I soon realized that she was creating small technological items. Currently she was changing somebody's iPod or cell phone into a full on camera. 
"Chantel," I asked. "Do you think you could access the computers with your power?"
"Sure." Chantel said. She walked towards a power outlet and computer hooked onto the wall. 
"Maybe you could unlock the door or crash the local network--" I said but stopped, Chantel gave me a look that Raven would've called: ''your being a dork/geek i can't understand you.'' What can i say? I have this weird genius power, that's how I talk. AN not saying Chantel is dumb, but sometimes i can confuse people when I talk. 
"Crash the computer so everyway out is unlocked." I tried again.
"Can do." Chantel said and hovered her hand over the computer. 
In a matter of seconds red lights started flashing and than a huge burst of sunlight came through. 
"The exit!!!!" Mariah called. 
Everyone ran, everyone but the hurt kids and the ones shouldering a limp Brandon.
We left the building without much difficulty, i only had to mind wipe about 10 of the unfashionable-ugly clones when they tried to cross my path. My powers were getting stronger. A couple of hours ago I could only knock people out temporarily by finding their biggest fear and using it against them. A heightened placebo affect you could say. Now I just wiped their ugly brain-they knew nothing, and saw nothing. 
As soon as the small group came out of the building Ani, though injured found a place that we could rest, sheltered by large, old trees.
I had taken a class last year with Raven about CPR and FIrst Aid and quickly noticed that only a few had broken bones-2 people actually. And one was chantel. But that was only because her arm was previously injured. The rest had major bruises and were exhausted. Brandon seemed unconscious, but breathing. It seemed like he might've broken a couple ribs. I concluded that he tried to fight off the evil army, gotten injured, the ambiguous ugly army doctors had done tests on him and than put him in a cell with his friends. 

"Guys!" I heard Jessies calm voice. We all seemed to search around looking for her. She walked out and the branches seemed to move away from her. "Come, we have a base. Levi might know a doctor that can help the hurt, but we haven't thought of a way to convince him to help us. Any ideas?" She said and walked towards us. As Jessie made her way towards us, each step she took the grass grew greener and grew a little-as if happy to have her near them. It was then I realized, and almost everyone else-if what they thought was any indicator to what they knew. That Jessie could control nature. 
"I can help with convincing the doctor, Jessie." I said aloud. "I seem to have telekinetic power's." I said inside her head.
Jessie smiled big. 
While we were following Jessie-which turned out to be a long walk. Raven's psychic shield when down, and I told them where to meet us. 

We got to the 'resistance base' as Gabbie called it. 
The resistance base was just a dusty abandoned Sugar Cane factory. Lucky me. 
"Hatchoo!" I sneezed. This place was dusty, really dusty. Great. 

Luckily there was a clean room where all the injured went to rest and everyone else, (boys included-to Nate's dismay) began to complete the setting up of the resistance base. Which included dusting. Thank God!

I didn't have to clean or set up that much, i went with Levi and Jessie to the doctor-turned out it wasn't that hard for me to place an 'idea' of wanting to do something i wanted them to do. 
It was really easy. We met with Dr. McVern, and by 'we' i mean Levi and Jessie. While they spoke to him casually asking if he could treat some of their friend's. He simply said yes. 
Because I controlled his mind. 
After ten minutes I figured out how to make sure Dr. McVern wouldn't question why we had powers, why we were in an abandoned Sugar Cane factory, why we were all beat up-or anything really. He remembered everything, just didn't question.

The only thing left to do was prepare the base, practice our powers and wait. Waiting sucked, but at least I had my new powers. 
I suddenly realized that if i was evil i would have a lot of blackmail on my 'teammates'. 


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Part 11

We all spun around to look at Azure, whose skin was the color of ice, and as cold as ice too. 
"Ohmygoodness" I said, as Azure touched the railing, which turned into, you guessed it, ice. 
"Woah, Azure! you got an awesome power!!!" Janae said. Azure smiled her signature smile, "I know!!! this is sooooo cool!!!, no pun intended." We all laughed. 
"Quick!" I said to everyone, "We have to go before anyone else comes." I started running up the everlasting stairs, followed by Elyse, Azure, Janae and Kaitlen. 
I un-curled my wings, and was about to take off, when I realized I had no idea where we were supposed to meet makena and the others. I called all the girls over, "Hey," I said, "I have NO idea where we are supposed to go." I admitted. We all looked around, brainstorming. Then Elyse spoke up, "Can you try to contact Makena?" 
I looked around at everyone, "I can try, but no promises. Still think of other ways." I told them, as I walked off, concentrating hard. 
Makena? Can you hear me?? 
No answer. 
Makena? Where are we supposed to meet you guys??? 
I sighed. Then I felt a presence in my head. 
Raven! Finally, your shields down, I can finally hear you. 
I smiled and gave Elyse a thumbs up.
Where are you guys, what has been going on? 
The voice spoke again. 
I took everyone out, and we got away, then met up with Jesse and the others, and we are all at a secret base. Meet up there. 
Makena gave me the coordinates. I walked to where my friends were, "Let go." 

story part 10...sorry, I was busy majorly!!!!!

Five guards with steel rods of crackling electricity stepped down in front of them. For a second, Elyse was too scared to move. The cages, dungeons, and rooms of confinement lay behind them. She felt like a caged bird, much like how she had felt back at the hospital.

Suddenly, she felt a dull throbbing all over her body and an horrible headache. And somehow she felt...different. Elyse looked up and saw the guards...well, actually, the guards' ugly shoes. Fear racked her mind and she acted out of instinct. Lunging upwards and flapping a bit, she planted her claws into the front guard's face and let out a cry. It came out more like a chirrup.

She was vaguely aware of confused shouting, but it was too hard to comprehend what was being said. Elyse also noticed the guard batting at his face and going down, but she kept on until Raven was able to knock him out.

The fray was finally over. 5 guards lay out cold on the floor. She saw her friends (who seemed very tall) and cocked her head. They too looked at her oddly.

Humans.... She felt like flying away, but then remembered something important. Those are my friends. Humans. I'm a human being.

She felt the dull throbbing again and the headache. But suddenly it was over, and Elyse found herself eye to eye with her friends again. They looked at her with wide eyes.

"What...happened?" Raven asked.

"I dunno. I was just about to ask you."

"You kind of changed into a bird," put in Kaitlen, still staring at Elyse.

She shivered. "Weird. That must have happened at the hospital too, cause man were those nurses annoyed!" No body laughed, but that was probably due to the fact that Azure was right behind her. Elyse didn't know what she was doing, but she had a strange hunch that it was something super. Turning around, Elyse's jaw instantly dropped...

Part 9

I thought for a moment before turning to Kaitlen and Makena, "Makena you take the hurt people to the hospital, Kaitlen and I will go and find Azure and the others." 
Makena and Kaitlen nodded. "We'll see you soon." Makena said, as she led everyone out. 

"Are you ready?" I asked Kaitlen. "Ready as I'll ever be." I laughed, as we started walking down a dark hallway. "Pretty creepy." I commented. We both stopped. "Sooooooo who wants to walk down the deep dark stairs first?" I asked, as we came to a staircase going down to what it looked like, nowhere. "Its really dark," Kaitlen said. I looked at her, "No, really?" 

We slowly walked down the never ending stairs. "God, this isn't scary anymore, I'm just bored." Kaitlen whispered, still walking. "I know, it feels like we've been walking down these stairs forever. Are you sure this is where there keeping Elyse and Azure?" I asked. 
"Pretty sure," She replied. Finally we got to the end of the staircase. Kaitlen was right. At the bottom of the stairs was a medium size room, and lined against the walls were cells. Most of the cells were empty, except for three. Kaitlen and I ran up to them. "Azure! Elyse! Janae!" We both shouted! Kaitlen used her super strengh to open their cells and we were all free. 
Azure, Elyse, Janae, Kaitlen and I ran to the stairs and started up, taking two stairs at a time. But we were soon interuped by a loud voice. We all turned and saw.......... 

Part 8

Continued from here Also tagged was whoever was tagged in Brandon's notes.

(from my point of view. duh).... {Just a refresher course, my power is; a certified genius and i have telekinetic power like Jean Grey from the X-men}.

I was faintly aware of my surroundings, I quickly concluded that I had 1. fainted, 2. was being carried by someone, and 3. I was in desperately drained from any energy I had. That was when I remembered that strange people had done traumatic tests on me over the last 6 hours. It was horrific, and i hated them. They must've drained me, and that's why I fainted. Because never in my life have I ever been this weak or sickly to faint. "Ugh, I don't feel so well." I stated the obvious, and than blacked out. Loosing any sense of what was around me. 

"What's going on? Why is the subject doing this?"

"Where are they going?"


"Use the W.O.M.D.!!!"

"This was not the plan!"

"Why is this happening?"

"Where are we?"

The voices were penetrating my brain, and I had no control. All different people, men, women, my friends, voices were flooding my brain. It made me want to scream. I think I did. 
The next thing I knew my vision was filled not with the black of closed eyelids but a stratosphere of bright piercing golden color. Than I blacked out.

"Get up subject 6987423109." A chorus of monochromatic voices echoed through my ears. 
I held my head in my hands and cautiously sat up. 
My day sucked, majorly. I felt like I just wanted to go back to bed. Sleep, watch tv, read comic books, write my script, call my friends and eat pie...

Instead I snapped up quickly into a fighting stance, pulled my hair behind my ears and searched the army's brains. They were still repeating the same sentence as before. As if they hadn't realized I was up and ready to kick their ass all the way to Timbuktu. 

As I went around moved slowly around in a circle, so as not to keep my back on the army of 47 a clear voice spoke. It was a woman's, unrecognizable to me. 

"Subject 6987423109, M. Gadient, do not fight this. Where are your comrades?" 

I wanted to scan the area for my group of friends but the genius part of me realized that last night they could've done something to my brain. And if and when I found my friends the bad guys would too. Instead I tried to attack the army of fashion outcasts from the inside out. 

Oh? Did I mention this army was wearing the most disgusting clothes I have ever seen? They were. It wasn't just the valley girl 'omg, that is sooo last season!'. It was either two sizes to big or small, clashy clothes that none of my friends would be caught dead in. And, the army was all teenagers.

"Oh no, you are not getting any information from me!" I said to the voice and the army. 

I invaded the army's brain, searched for their Achilles heel and they fell down like flies. 

Looking around I yelled to the woman's voice, "Later!"

Scanning the area I quickly found the most probable place Brandon, Raven or any of my group would be. I climbed a rickety ladder and ran down stairs, my power increasing by the minute; gaining more strength as I took down more of the ugly army. 

"Raven!!" I cried, as I saw her in flying high above. 
"Makena!!" She quickly swooped down and grabbed me. 
"Where is everyone?" 
"I think I know where they are." Good, I thought. 
"Did you bring the gun?" I asked.
"No, unfortunately i brought the cannoli."
I laughed, and smiled. This was really Raven. Only she would get this. 
"What has been going on?" I asked, refraining from searching her mind. 
"They captured us, the seeming clones of you know who. I don't know where Brandon or Mariah went. But I found Kaitlen and she's gone to the cells to break out people."
"Okay." I said. My brain doing the math of what time we left, arrived here and what damage 'they' could've done with those times.
"Raven! Makena!" Kaitlen yelled, waving her hands in the air. 
Raven swooped down and closed her wings. We both stood up and hugged Kaitlen. 
"Did you let everyone out?" I quickly jumped to the subject.
"I tried. They seemed to have moved everyone." Kaitlen said sadly.
A small handful of our friends walked behind her. They seemed beat up pretty badly, and they were all shouldering, carrying and trying to hold up a knocked up and bruised Brandon. I was worried, he looked almost dead. He wouldn't be a help for the team for at least 2 days. 
"OMG." Raven said when she saw the procession of people.
"This is not good." Kaitlen said, than she looked up and fowned. "Plus, I heard they're holding Elyse and Azure somewhere."
"We have to find them." Raven said. 
"We have to get out of here, get the injured to the hospital." I paused. "Does anyone remember where we are, or where the other half of our group is?" 

part 7

"Take him back to the cell," The man said to one of his guards.

They immediatly took me by the arms and dragged me to the moving platform. They pressed a button and the platform moved down. As we were moving down I stared at the kids and adults in the cells, moaning and crying. When we reached my cell were Faith was they threw me in.

"Ugh!" I moaned when I hit the cold steel. They seeled the bars behind me.

"So how was it...?" The voice echoed in my head.

"Ugh, COUGH COUGH, I can't take this!" I said with a sob, "I want to get out of here! I wanna go home..."

I hadnt thought about it that much, and all of a sudden it hit me. What about home? What about my parents? That one hurt me the most. I missed home. I didnt want to be this person.

"Man! Those guys... I just can't let them do this to us! Ugh! I am so angry!" The voice said.


I heard a big BOOM! a couple cells below me and Faith's cell.

"WHAT WAS THAT!!!" Faith yelled.

I could here a whole bunch of yelling from the guards trying to communicate with eachother.

They too were trying to find out what had happened.

"Get away from me!" I heard someone say. She (Or at least I think it was a she) sounded like she was a couple of cells down.

Time to use my new power... I looked at one of the beds and stretched my arm out. I focused all my energy to my hands and slowy lifted my arm up. The bed started lifting up into the air, just as I had predicted it would.

"Faith. Get behind me!" I ordered.

She did as I had told and I swung my arms towards the steel bars. The bed flew right through them, breakind them down. I then immediately jumped out of the cell and did a free fall. As I felt the rushing wind in my face, i also felt that same feeling I had felt before. There was a platform that was moving down towards the exploded cell. I kept getting the feeling to grab on to the side of it, so I did. My fingers slipped but I shot forwards into the beat up cell.

"Haha! No way! You did this?!" I said to the girl in front of me.

"Ugh..." She fell to the ground.

"Makena! Are you ok?!" I said running up to her.

"Hey! What are you doing here!?" One of the guards yelled.

The platform had reached her cell.

"im really getting sick of you guys..." I said.

I grabbed one of the weak legs of the bed and snapped it off. Again I had that feeling, but it felt like it was on my own. I swung the bar behind my back spinning it and flung it towards one of the guards.

"Aph!" The guard said as it hit his gut.

The bar levitated back towards me and i grabbed it. I jumped and thwacked the other guard in the head. He didnt even flinch! I hit him in the gut, but that didnt work either! There was a flash! All of a sudden the guard fell off of the platform. When the brightness subsided Faith was standing there with a huge grin on her face.

"So what exactly is your power?" I asked Faith trying to figure out a way to get Makena out of here.


"Um... ok?" I was wondering why she hadn't just teleported out of here.

I asked Faith if she could help me with the knocked out Makena on the floor, but all she said was

"No way! I don't know her!". Well that was a... drag...(Sorry bad joke). I had to pick up Makena on my shoulders (Which wasn't exactly my cup a noodles...). Now im not saying Makena is over weight or anything but it wasnt exactly easy. I won't tell Makena this to her face but I dropped her about 4 times. Anyway we got to the platform, but there was just one problem, we didnt know how to work it!
"Well, Faith, time to take a leep of faith..." I stared into space and tried to think of what I would do...
Well... I guess jumping wouldnt be THAT bad...
"Hey Faith?"
"Are ya afraid of heights?"
"No... not really, why?"
"Oh... nothin." I said grabbing her hand.
"Ew let go of me!" She squirmed.
"Ugh your... somethin else." I said pulling Faith off the platform jumping after her still holding on to Makena.
"AHHHH! Whatchya do that for!?" Faith screamed.
"Well what else was there to do?"
"Do you even know what is at the bottom of this thing?"
Oops! Didnt think about that... I could feel Makena squirm a little. She was coming back to her senses.
"Wah...?" She said. She looked around and finaly figured that she was free falling. "Ugh I dont feel any better now... I uh" She fainted... AGAIN!
A golden blur caught Faith. When I looked back Faith wasn't falling with me anymore.
"Come on! Gotta figure something out... Come on weird feeling! Do something!" I said to myself.
The golden blur came swirling towards me and got Makena. I couldn't hang on to her anymore and let go. I looked down and saw nothing but steel.
"Oh SNA-" BANG!!!

Part 6

Makena sat in a cold cell, her knees pulled up to her chest. She rolled her eyes. Brandon didn't seem to hear her. Raven seemed to already have formed a mind shield. Every time she tried to talk to her sister nothing would happen, as if the phone would ring off the hook and get disconnected. When contacting Brandon she 'got a signal' and he picked up. He just never responded. Lame. ...But that's what you get with boys.
Instead Makena would try to contact Kaitlen or Mariah. 
Mariah? Makena tried, searching for Mariah's thought patterns. Even though Makena had just received her powers she knew enough from reading the x-men. After all Jean Grey was her favorite x-men mutant, and now Makena seemed to have the same power.
Concentrating hard she found Mariah, she seemed to be walking (or trying) to walk through walls.
Who, who are you? Mariah thought and then spoke aloud. "Hello?"
Joe looked at her and scoffed.
It's me, Makena.
Why are can I hear you in my brain?? 
Makena hadn't truly thought of an answer. So she thought the first thing that came to mind: We all got superpowers, or mutated strangely. Besides being amazingly smart I'm a telepath. I need you to help me. Will you?

Part 6

"No!" I shouted, "NOOOO! Get away! Get away from me!"

I felt a sharp blow to my side.

"Brandon!" Someone said

"No! Get away!"

"Sigh. WAKE UP!!!"

I opened my eyes and sat up immediately. I was covered in... sweat, and I was shaking uncontrollably.


I looked up, and saw another familiar face, but I was too confused and dazed to figure out who it was. I felt something cold on the ground. I looked around and everything was steel. The only thing that wasn't steel was the two beds. One on each side of the small room. And I was on the floor.

"Oh Brandon???" The person said

I finaly looked up to get another look. It was surprise after surprise.

"Oh no!" I said with a chuckle, "Hi... Hope... I MEAN FAITH! I said Faith nothing else."

"OH MY GOODNESS WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME THAT!" Faith said flinging her hands up in the air.

I looked out of the metal bars that didnt seem like normal steel to me. I peered into the other cells. A couple boys and girls about my age were crying while the rest, even adults, were just sitting in a corner looking at the ground.

"You can tell" Faith said "who has been here for some time and who just got here."

"Hows that?" I asked.

"The people who are crying dumby! Their scared of what will happen next."

"Wait... where am I?!"

"Your in a containment jail for HWM."

"What's HWM?"

"Humans With Mutations."

I gulped. So thats what they call us... I looked down. The cells peered down, down down, until all you could see was darkness.

"Well? Aren't we gonna try to get out of here?!" I asked

"Since when were you the fearless leader?" Faith said.

It just hit me! I never thought about it until now. If I had to think about it, I'd start huddling in a corner and cry but now... i feel... different. Maybe it had something to do with these strange powers...

"Brandon!" I voice echoed in my head.

This time I knew it wasnt Faith. It had to be someone else... It even sounded more clear...

"Ok who... or WHAT are you?!" I thought back.

"That's not important right now. In 2 minutes someone is gonna come and take you out of your cell and take you to a room. Don't fight them, or answer any questions."

Oh great... now what kind of wacked out stuff am I gonna be hearing... but sure enough 2
minutes later some buff guy who you would find like in the cartoons opened up my cell and told me to come with him. I walked on to a platform that looked like it was hovering in mid air. He pressed a certain button and the platform started moving up. We kept going until we went through a small hole in the ceiling, just big enough for the platform to fit through. I could here the crashing sound of the metal door under us close. A man with a stern and wrinkly face entered the room.

"What's your name son?" The man said in a deep intimidating voice.

"Um... Brandon." I replied.

"Hmmm. And do you know why your here?"

"Uh... no, no I do-"

"BECAUSE YOUR AN ABOMINATION! A mutant, an oddball, a beast!" He yelled, "Because of people like you, extreme damage has been caused throughout the country. And do you know what happens to people who do bad things?"


"They are either dead or lockem' in jail! And lucky for you," He said chuckling,"you have the pleasure of experiencing both."

"I told you not to answer any questions!" the voice said, "He pulls you into an intimidating conversation."

I wanted to ignore it. Block all of life out. I was about ready to break down into tears, but arrogant pride kept me from it. I just wanted to sink down into my chair and fall through everything. Maybe even die. I was trapped, nowhere to run. Just trapped. The man just stared at me seeing the hurt in my eyes. He signaled one of his lab geeks to get something. When he got back he was holding a container.

"In this container is a very different kind of animal. An animal that most people would see. But this one," He said lifting the lid "is special."

I peered into the container. It was a small little gecko.

"Looks normal hm?" He asked picking it up. He started stretching it. But instead of it ripping, it stretched. It kept stretching and stretching, like a rubber band. That is until it... snapped in half. I could feel a little liquid splash on my face and I could see drops of blood on the man's face.

"It's a beast, just like you." The man said grinning.

"And why are you talking to me about this...?"

"A... relative of yours works up in a space station above the earth. What he does up there is works on meotorites. Chemical reactions, collisions to see the power it generates, all that (Im gonna sensor it because this guy has a bad mouth. Ill replace it with happier words) crap. Well it just so happens that he was working on extra terrestrial elements (It doesnt mean little green men, just elements from space), when he ran across a certain combination. He had mixed earthly elements, and a completely new element he called plactonite that he had gotten from one of the meteorites he had found. It was a black rocky substance. Well the combination he had created some how enchanced living organisms, with various effects. The one effect, though, that was found in every test subject, (which was lizards that had spawned in the ship) was super-natural healing."

There was an akward pause, at least for me. The man in front of me was just staring at me with an evil half grin.

Part 5

I woke up the next morning and sat up, still half asleep. The birds were chirping from tree to tree. You know that feeling? When you wake up in some other room but u feel like you woke up in your room? All of a sudden you wake up and your like "Where am I?...". Well that's what I was feeling. Until everything came rushing back to my head.

"Ugh... my neck is killing me!" I groaned

I had been sleeping on a pretty big tree root, and it made my neck REEEEEEEEEEALY soar. And then... the aroma of food floated into my nostrils. My mouth watered. I was FAMISHED! Think about it, if you were running away from a cop, doing backflips off of skyscraper hotels, and flying with a girl who had WINGS! wouldnt you be hungry? I hopped up and started walking towards a hamburger restruant. Then I checked my pockets for money... no money... looked around for my friends... no friends.

"WeeeeWooooWeeeeWoooo!" A police car blared.

I jumped behind the tree. They went past.

"Oh yeah... got to be careful..." I said catching my breath.

I sat down a little light headed. I just sat there... staring at a rock. I stared really hard for no reason at all. Being me I got angry at it and kicked it (I must have been REALLY hungry). It tumbled about three feet. I sat down again. I stared at the rock... again. I wanted to throw the rock but couldn't because I was too lazy to get up and pick it up. In my lazyness I stretched my arm out to get the rock... my arm didnt reach. I stretched my arm out again and thought "Come to me!". Nothing happened. I threw my arms up out of anger. I looked back at the rock. It was gone. two seconds later it fell from the sky and plopped on the ground.

"Huh? Wha?" I thought.

I looked at the rock again. I stretched my arms out towards the rock and slowly lifted them up. The rock started to levitate above the ground. I was amazed! I moved my arms left and right, and so did the rock move left and right. I made a throwing motion and the rock went back and then shot forward hitting a man in the head.

"OOPS!!!" I said retreating farther into the trees.

I had that agitated feeling again. I turned around quickly and jumped back! There was a human figure standing right in front of me. I prepared myself to lunge!

"Wait! Stop!" The figure pleaded.

"Ugh! Give me a little warning before you sneak up on me like that Raven!" I replied.

"Sorry. I have some food for you. I don't exactly know what you like but its food" Raven said handing me a McDonalds bag.

I hastily swiped the bag from her hands and peered inside the bag. Yes! Cinamon melts, some fries, and a water (You can soooo tell im hungry right now...)! I skarfed down the food and felt heavily satisfied.

"Thank you sooooo much!" I thanked still stuffing my mouth with fries.

"No problem uh problem..." Raven said with a smile that hinted a little disgust from my feasting and occasional (SOOO totaly accidental) burps.

"So what... is happening? Do you know?"

"Sigh. I'm not exactly sure. All I know is this under cover group of... weirdos are tracking down all of us... mutants (Haha! X-men fanatick). As far as what they are gonna do with us after they capture us... I do not know..."

The cheery Raven I knew (at least for the time I had known her) wasn't looking happy at all... That's when I had remembered what she had said earlier about her sister being captured. That's when I heard a voice say "Hello? Hello Brandon?".

"Yeah Raven?" I replied.

Raven looked up from the ground, "I didn't say anything..."

"Huh... I thought I... Oh nevermind..."

"So... um is there anyone else with you?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Oh no! They weren't captured were they?!" Raven gasped.

"No! No, they thankfuly weren't... at least as far as I know..."

Then I heard that voice again, "Brandon! Hello? Can you here me?"

That's when I really got angry. "It has to be Raven! There's no one else here!"

When I looked up to Raven to confront her, I saw her face was white and her eyes were wide open. And once again I had that same agitated feeling. I looked back and saw about a dozen cops lined up in front of us, all armed.

I raised my arms yelling "Don't shoot! I surrender!"

I felt a slight tug on my shirt and then I shot up into the air. I was shocked until I remembered that the girl holding on to my shirt had WINGS on her back. Great way to start the morning right? I could here the bullets sizzle through the air behind us.

"Ahhhh!" Raven screamed as we started plummeting towards the ground.

I had to think of something, and fast! But sadly my brain was going into a panic attack. Raven's grip loosened until she let go of my shirt and she started falling away from me, towards the sand. Then I had that feeling, only this time it was more intense. There was a pole sticking out of the wall for flags and I had an uncontrollable feeling to stretch my hands out in front of me to grab the poll. Well thats just what I did. And I grabbed the pole and i started swinging like a pro acrobat. I kept swinging until the pole broke and I shot forwards. Again an uncontrollable feeling, only this time to start running on the wall. Well I just went with the flow, and started running across the wall. Well that propelled me pretty far, shooting me so far I reached a huge tree in the middle of the mall. I landed kinda roughly on a tree branch, which snapped, I fell onto another tree branch and finaly landed on a pretty decent size branch and my body finaly couldnt take it. I blacked out on that branch.

Part 4

Nate stood there practicaly falling to the ground laughing at what he just saw. Riley saw the whole thing too and couldnt help but blurt,

"Haha! Dat was like da Matrix bradda!" He said in his fake and cheesy Hawiian accent (He is like nothing like Hawiian. From his head to his toes he's a white boy... XD hey what can i say? A lot of us are howlies... if i spelt that right)

About an hour had passed and the only things alll of us could get out of our practice was, Joe needed hair gel and FAST, Mariah could barely control if she could go through walls (She got her foot stuck one time IN the wall and we had to make a hole in the barn), Nate... got a little carried away with fighting and gave Riley a bloody nose, Daniel was probably the most patient person out of all of us, Kaitlen was like this SUPER buff girl (Even though u could never tell), Riley's power was only good for lighting a fire, I had (What everyone teased me about) "super flinching powers", Hannah's hands started turning green for some reason, Chantel was getting EXTREMELY bored, and we were all starving. All of us also had a lot of questions that needed answering. 1. What is wrong with us? 2. Who else was affected? 3. Why do they want... at least Brandon dead (Well Mariah had a couple things to say about that but I'll leave out what she said :'( PS In the story)? 4. WHAT ABOUT FOOD! All of our bellies growled... we hopped on another bus and drove towards town where a lot of HUGE hotels and buildings were. Well we were hungry beyond words by the time we got there (It took like 45 minutes to go from place to place). We all had a plan that all of us had agreed on, we can go where ever we want as long as we stayed in a small group. Well naturaly I went with Joe, Riley wanted to go with us, Hannah decided to go with us, Mariah went with Chantel, Nate went with them, and Daniel decided to tag along with them too. two groups with starving stomachs. We decided to call each group a name for fun. We were team blue, and they were team red to put it simply. Anyway, team blue (Me, Riley, and Hannah) went to Subway, while team red (Mariah, Chantel, Nate, and Daniel) went to McDonalds (to save money) after our stomachs were satisfied, we sorta stayed in one area (A little mall section) but spit up. As I was sitting down to take a little rest (Everyone was doing there own thing which means if ur putting urself into my story u could say wat u were doing) someone in a uniform with a gun caught my eye.

"A cop!" I thought.

I got up and started walking towards a hotel (One that was REALLy big) and went in to see if he would follow me. When he made the same move I made I walked towards the stairs and started walking up them. As soon as I saw him walk up I ran as fast as I could! That got the cop going and he pursued me in a full sprint. Amazingly I started to out run him up the flight of stairs. I didnt even break a sweat! I finaly reached the top of the hotel, slightly tired, (The top of the hotel was like on the top of it. Like a look out balcony or watever u would call it) and sat on one of the chairs to rest a little. Then I felt a little agitated... I couldnt figure out why I had this agitation.

"WOW!" I shouted as my head gerked backwards.

I felt the same sensation I had when I had that "spider man" reflex when me and Nate were play fighting. A heard something sizzle through the air and I looked back. Someone was shooting at me! I felt agitated again. I couldnt explain it but I didnt hear it but I felt him putting his hand on the trigger.

"Oh no...." I thought to myself, "Not again..."

Only this time I jumped and did a backflip dodging three bullets in the air. The only thing was... I did a backflip off the hotel! I could feel the wind rushing in my face. I could hardly see anything. But then I saw a flash of pure white and a jerk. Someone or something was holding onto me... and flying!!! As I looked up to see who my hero was I saw a familiar face that shocked so much I almost turned pale! It was Raven! (I kinda ironicaly picked her super power from her name. Ull see) Now it wasn't her face that made me feel shocked, but what was coming out of her back... two white WINGS! The wings were like nothing i've seen before. Like those angel wings u see on the cartoons or watever. And they were whiter beyond description! We landed on a soft beach and I fell down from all the adrenaline and dizziness. All Raven could do was laugh as she positioned her wings verticaly like a white cap. I heard another sizzling sound and I jumped and pushed Raven out of the way. The bullet just missed my leg! Raven fully aware that someone was shooting shot her wings out, dashed towards me, grabbed me, and took off in the air (I was nearly suffocated though because she grabbed me by the shirt). She flew with blinding speed but you could still tell she was new to this stuff. She soared near some trees out of sight of our persuars.

"It's getting dark." Raven said. "Here is a good place for you to spend the night. I have my own place to hide..." Raven stared towards the ocean, looking as if she was looking right past it. "They have Makena... and i need to find a way to get her back..." She took off before I could even talk to her.

I looked at the place she suggested. It was a little area filled with trees that had a lot of roots and vines. I found a nice little cave like area formed by the tree's roots. I quickly fell asleep not even thinking about what happened to the others.

Part 3

We all ran toward the beach.

"Wait a second..." Joe said, "This looks familiar... like... we have been here before... the beach looks familiar and..."

When Joe looked at a zoo behind us it all hit us at once (except the people who didnt go to the camp in Oahu this spring break). We were in Oahu! We all dashed towards a little cave at the beach and ducked inside. When i looked at Joe i noticed his hair was standing on end. We all had a laugh not knowing what it really meant. We stayed low in the little cave talking about what we would do next. We all had the same idea. We didnt know why but they wanted us dead. And what about all the strange things that went on in the last fifteen minutes? What could it mean? Riley was just sitting there with his hands folded rubbing his thumbs together, huddled in a corner of the cave. We all had ignored him at the time until he gave a yelp. We all looked at him and saw that a small ball of blue fire was huvering just above his thumb. We all jumped away from him in a panic pushing Kaitlen off the ledge of the cave about a foot from the water. To all of our amazement Kaitlen was just floating ,floating right above the water.

I couldn't help but blurt out "Haha! She's like Super Woman!!!"

That's when we thought, what if we ALL had these weird powers! We all ducked back into the cave when we heard the police sirens. We all had decided that we needed a safe place to stay. We heard the screeching of a bus. It seemed like we all had the same idea. We got all of our money to make up for the money that the others didnt have. We hopped on the bus paid the cost and headed up country. Most of us fell asleep. When we stopped we found an abandoned barn. We ran inside and made the most of it our new home... We all decided to have like a little training time or watever. To see what we could really do. Since me and Nate didn't know what our powers were, if we had any, we just decided to play around a little and start fighting eachother. Mariah tried to go through walls (which was very painful considering that she was running into walls). Kaitlen found some waits and was lifting (in total) 150 pounds like it was nothing. Riley was trying to work on his fire thing, and Daniel was sitting there quietly trying to figure out what she would do, while Joe tried to get his hair to stay down. As me and Nate were fighting Nate got a little carried away and punched full throttle towards my face. It was like something out of the spider man movie. The whole dodging thing! It felt AWSOME!

Part 2

When I woke up i was on a stretcher being raced to the emergency room. Then they injected me with a needle (Like one that puts u in deep sleep) and i blacked out again. When I awakened again, I got up from my bed and felt a soarness in my back. I looked and they had done surgery there. But to my amazement right before my eyes my scar disappeared. I got up and went outside the doors. All the nurses and doctors who were there stared at me in disbelief. They guided me down several halls to this medium sized room with chairs set in a circle. In them were Joe, Nate, Chantel, Riley, Mariah, Hannah, Kaitlen, and Daniel. I took a seat in one of the chairs. That's when i noticed that Mariah, for one second, looked transparent. I shook my head thinking it was just me and sure enough when i looked back at her she was perfectly fine. We all talked with eachother about what was going on until one of the doctors (he had an uneasy looking face, pale and almost sad looking) called me into his room. I followed him in and he told me to take a seat. One of the nurses came in and the talked with eachother so muffled the only words i could make out were,"I really don't... but... kill him... needle". I dont think he thought i could hear him but he did once i tried to open the door and escape.

"Get him!" the doctor yelled.

As i tried to slip from the nurses grasp everything around me started shaking or vibrating. Everyone outside the room could here banging and clanging and yelling. Mariah and several other people ran to the door to peer through the window but a cloth was obscuring their vision. Mariah pressed her ear on the door to try and hear better what was going on. To everyones surprise she fell (yes thats right) through the door like a ghost. She found herself inside the room i was in. The doctor saw the whole thing and yelled after pure fritghtfullness. Mariah grabbed on to me and she flew through the door again.

"Wow!" I said "What just happened?!"

"I don't know..." Mariah replied looking down at the ground.

"We need to get out of here!" I said to everyone.

We ran to the doors that led out of the emergency rooms but it was locked with a secret code.

"Errrgh! It wont budge!" Nate said trying to open the doors.

We all tried but no one had luck until Kaitlen tried. She tried to open the doors with all her strength when all of a sudden they broke open. Everyone looked at Kaitlen with their jaws practicaly dropped to the ground as she held the pried open door with one hand. The door was ripped off of it's hinges and now in a one handed grasp in Kaitlens hand!!! For about ten seconds everyone just stared until someone (Im not quiet sure who it was, but if u add urself into the story it'll have sort of an ironic twist) shouted "Come on! Let's go!" We all dashed towards the exit of the hospital, and we burst out into the sunshine. We didnt know what we should have done next so we kept running.

Part 1

"Sigh, Mom we're gonna be late again... like always." I groaned

"Well we're almost there so just be patient" my mom replied.

My heart jumped with excitement when we had finlaly parked on the road next to the beach. I jumped out of the car and dashed toward the beach (barefoot of course... ouch! But thats just how special i am) of course my dad stopped me to take some chairs... When I got to the beach I dropped the chairs on the ground (Pulled some thorns out of my feet) and looked around to see were everyone was. Joe, Nate, and Riley were of course riding some waves with there body boards, Levi was digging a whole for Abby (Mariah's little sister) and Chantel, and Mariah, and the others were all laying in the sun talkin story. Then my eyes came across the food... immediatly my belly barked and groaned. I was relieved to hear Levi say, with his hands cupped around his mouth to get the sound to everyone,

"Time for lunch!!!"

Everyone dashed towards the table with food (And of course on the way there Joe got a face full of sand from Mariahs precise throwing action, making poor Joe wash his face off again).

"Ok lets pray!" Levi said.

As we all bowed our heads, there was a giant flash up in the sky. Ten seconds later a huge BOOOOOM!!! First Riley falls to the ground in agony, and everyone turns there head to the commotion. Then Nate, then me. I felt like someone pierced my back and everything turned black.

And we all had powers....BUT WHAT KIND???

Brandon: Spidermanlike reflexis, move things without even touching them, can do a short "warp"
ability: A pole. He uses his ability to move things without even touching them to throw his pole and hit enemys with it retrieving his pole without letting it touch the ground. He can also minipulate time and do a short "warp". Note that i said Warp not teleport. He cannot warp through solid objects.

Joe: Electricity, spark.
ability: He can jump from metal object to metal object like lightning.

Riley: Blue fire.
Ability: Can minipulate blue fire, the hottest burning fire.

Nate: Vibrating body
Ability: Run faster than the speed of sound. The wind is on his side would be a simple way of saying it.

Mariah: Has ghost like qualities.
Ability: Can go through solid objects, turn invisible, flight. Her abilitys make her almost impossible to catch or touch.

Chantel: Technopath
Abilitly: She can create almost any small technological device (with parts of course) within a nano second. Can control most technological devices.

Hannah: ???
Ability: Not much is known about Hannah's ability. Random powers accur often but most often plasma hands allowing here to shoot energy beams from her hands.

Jessica: One with nature
Ability: Can pretty much control all plant life

Gabbie: Golden wings
Ability: Golden wings spread out from her back. The feathers on her back are very hard sorta making her wings her shield. It also slows her down a bit while flying though. The golden wings match her blond hair...

Makena: Genius
Abilitly: her whole brain is stronger than a super computer. Her mind is so strong she can transfer thoughts to any person she desires. She can even create a wave of energy stored in her brain to make a pschotic explosion. She can also cause people to forget anything. Don't ever underestimate brain over bronze. Oh hey Makena hows it.... wait wat? wat am i doing here?

Raven: Pure white wings
Ability: Pure white wings that spread from her back. Her wings are whiter than snow. She is a very fast as far as flying goes. Speed is her strong point.

Daniel: Red fire
Ability:Manipulates red fire. Not as powerful as red fire, but she has more flexibility on what she can do with it. It really goes good with her bright red hair.

Faith: Teleportations
Ability: can travel through space in a split second. very limited though.

Ani: Energy Shield, Blue Plasma Hands
Ability: Can generate a force field, deflecting almost anything. She can also shoot plasma beems from her hands.

Elyse: Shape Shifter
Ability: Can change from human to bird to anything. If stayed in one form too long he mind thinks that she is not human. Also... I'd like to add to my power. :) I can do birds, and small-medium mammals. (And apparently snakes.) Nothing with a brain that's too small, like a bug (ew, who'd want to do that anyway?!). Still working on my ability to keep part of my brain. :D

Azure: Icegirl
Ability: Can control, manipulate and make ice. She also has the power of walking and changing outfits super fast.

Janae: Creates and Manipulates weather.
Ability: If someone is raining on her parade she will make it rain on them. Literally. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This is what it is

You can still post your part of the story on facebook. All you have to do is push this link Share on Facebook and but it on your book marks. that way when you write and post a new part of the story all you have to do is Share on Facebook and say something like: ''omg!! i just wrote the next part before raven could! MWAHAHAHA check it out!!!!''

Anyway, the next thing to be posted is the list of powers everyone has. 

if anyone has any question comment here.

also, i'll let brandon do a 'the history of this story'.

We need a complete title. kay??

everytime you post a part you have to tag it. like 'by makena' than 'pt #   ' kay???