Sunday, April 26, 2009

Part 4

Nate stood there practicaly falling to the ground laughing at what he just saw. Riley saw the whole thing too and couldnt help but blurt,

"Haha! Dat was like da Matrix bradda!" He said in his fake and cheesy Hawiian accent (He is like nothing like Hawiian. From his head to his toes he's a white boy... XD hey what can i say? A lot of us are howlies... if i spelt that right)

About an hour had passed and the only things alll of us could get out of our practice was, Joe needed hair gel and FAST, Mariah could barely control if she could go through walls (She got her foot stuck one time IN the wall and we had to make a hole in the barn), Nate... got a little carried away with fighting and gave Riley a bloody nose, Daniel was probably the most patient person out of all of us, Kaitlen was like this SUPER buff girl (Even though u could never tell), Riley's power was only good for lighting a fire, I had (What everyone teased me about) "super flinching powers", Hannah's hands started turning green for some reason, Chantel was getting EXTREMELY bored, and we were all starving. All of us also had a lot of questions that needed answering. 1. What is wrong with us? 2. Who else was affected? 3. Why do they want... at least Brandon dead (Well Mariah had a couple things to say about that but I'll leave out what she said :'( PS In the story)? 4. WHAT ABOUT FOOD! All of our bellies growled... we hopped on another bus and drove towards town where a lot of HUGE hotels and buildings were. Well we were hungry beyond words by the time we got there (It took like 45 minutes to go from place to place). We all had a plan that all of us had agreed on, we can go where ever we want as long as we stayed in a small group. Well naturaly I went with Joe, Riley wanted to go with us, Hannah decided to go with us, Mariah went with Chantel, Nate went with them, and Daniel decided to tag along with them too. two groups with starving stomachs. We decided to call each group a name for fun. We were team blue, and they were team red to put it simply. Anyway, team blue (Me, Riley, and Hannah) went to Subway, while team red (Mariah, Chantel, Nate, and Daniel) went to McDonalds (to save money) after our stomachs were satisfied, we sorta stayed in one area (A little mall section) but spit up. As I was sitting down to take a little rest (Everyone was doing there own thing which means if ur putting urself into my story u could say wat u were doing) someone in a uniform with a gun caught my eye.

"A cop!" I thought.

I got up and started walking towards a hotel (One that was REALLy big) and went in to see if he would follow me. When he made the same move I made I walked towards the stairs and started walking up them. As soon as I saw him walk up I ran as fast as I could! That got the cop going and he pursued me in a full sprint. Amazingly I started to out run him up the flight of stairs. I didnt even break a sweat! I finaly reached the top of the hotel, slightly tired, (The top of the hotel was like on the top of it. Like a look out balcony or watever u would call it) and sat on one of the chairs to rest a little. Then I felt a little agitated... I couldnt figure out why I had this agitation.

"WOW!" I shouted as my head gerked backwards.

I felt the same sensation I had when I had that "spider man" reflex when me and Nate were play fighting. A heard something sizzle through the air and I looked back. Someone was shooting at me! I felt agitated again. I couldnt explain it but I didnt hear it but I felt him putting his hand on the trigger.

"Oh no...." I thought to myself, "Not again..."

Only this time I jumped and did a backflip dodging three bullets in the air. The only thing was... I did a backflip off the hotel! I could feel the wind rushing in my face. I could hardly see anything. But then I saw a flash of pure white and a jerk. Someone or something was holding onto me... and flying!!! As I looked up to see who my hero was I saw a familiar face that shocked so much I almost turned pale! It was Raven! (I kinda ironicaly picked her super power from her name. Ull see) Now it wasn't her face that made me feel shocked, but what was coming out of her back... two white WINGS! The wings were like nothing i've seen before. Like those angel wings u see on the cartoons or watever. And they were whiter beyond description! We landed on a soft beach and I fell down from all the adrenaline and dizziness. All Raven could do was laugh as she positioned her wings verticaly like a white cap. I heard another sizzling sound and I jumped and pushed Raven out of the way. The bullet just missed my leg! Raven fully aware that someone was shooting shot her wings out, dashed towards me, grabbed me, and took off in the air (I was nearly suffocated though because she grabbed me by the shirt). She flew with blinding speed but you could still tell she was new to this stuff. She soared near some trees out of sight of our persuars.

"It's getting dark." Raven said. "Here is a good place for you to spend the night. I have my own place to hide..." Raven stared towards the ocean, looking as if she was looking right past it. "They have Makena... and i need to find a way to get her back..." She took off before I could even talk to her.

I looked at the place she suggested. It was a little area filled with trees that had a lot of roots and vines. I found a nice little cave like area formed by the tree's roots. I quickly fell asleep not even thinking about what happened to the others.

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