Monday, April 27, 2009

Part 12: The escape and base

written from makena's point of view. And 'A/N' means Authors Note 

I stepped into the leader roll quickly, it soon became second nature. So when Raven and Kaitlen decided that they would find imprisoned friends and I would go with the others to a hospital; I said okay. And left. Praying and hoping that each team would meet up together, eventually. Safely. 

"Where are we going?" Nate asked. 
"I think we should get out of this place." I said, disgusted that we were still in this dark, drab, warehouse like building. 
"Good idea, but how?" Someone asked. I couldn't help it, i didn't know all of Brandon's friends, aka the whole church by name. 
"Does anyone have any ideas?" I asked. There was a small rumble of incoherent responses. 
I sighed. "We'll find a way, lets just keep walking."
When I watched Chantel I soon realized that she was creating small technological items. Currently she was changing somebody's iPod or cell phone into a full on camera. 
"Chantel," I asked. "Do you think you could access the computers with your power?"
"Sure." Chantel said. She walked towards a power outlet and computer hooked onto the wall. 
"Maybe you could unlock the door or crash the local network--" I said but stopped, Chantel gave me a look that Raven would've called: ''your being a dork/geek i can't understand you.'' What can i say? I have this weird genius power, that's how I talk. AN not saying Chantel is dumb, but sometimes i can confuse people when I talk. 
"Crash the computer so everyway out is unlocked." I tried again.
"Can do." Chantel said and hovered her hand over the computer. 
In a matter of seconds red lights started flashing and than a huge burst of sunlight came through. 
"The exit!!!!" Mariah called. 
Everyone ran, everyone but the hurt kids and the ones shouldering a limp Brandon.
We left the building without much difficulty, i only had to mind wipe about 10 of the unfashionable-ugly clones when they tried to cross my path. My powers were getting stronger. A couple of hours ago I could only knock people out temporarily by finding their biggest fear and using it against them. A heightened placebo affect you could say. Now I just wiped their ugly brain-they knew nothing, and saw nothing. 
As soon as the small group came out of the building Ani, though injured found a place that we could rest, sheltered by large, old trees.
I had taken a class last year with Raven about CPR and FIrst Aid and quickly noticed that only a few had broken bones-2 people actually. And one was chantel. But that was only because her arm was previously injured. The rest had major bruises and were exhausted. Brandon seemed unconscious, but breathing. It seemed like he might've broken a couple ribs. I concluded that he tried to fight off the evil army, gotten injured, the ambiguous ugly army doctors had done tests on him and than put him in a cell with his friends. 

"Guys!" I heard Jessies calm voice. We all seemed to search around looking for her. She walked out and the branches seemed to move away from her. "Come, we have a base. Levi might know a doctor that can help the hurt, but we haven't thought of a way to convince him to help us. Any ideas?" She said and walked towards us. As Jessie made her way towards us, each step she took the grass grew greener and grew a little-as if happy to have her near them. It was then I realized, and almost everyone else-if what they thought was any indicator to what they knew. That Jessie could control nature. 
"I can help with convincing the doctor, Jessie." I said aloud. "I seem to have telekinetic power's." I said inside her head.
Jessie smiled big. 
While we were following Jessie-which turned out to be a long walk. Raven's psychic shield when down, and I told them where to meet us. 

We got to the 'resistance base' as Gabbie called it. 
The resistance base was just a dusty abandoned Sugar Cane factory. Lucky me. 
"Hatchoo!" I sneezed. This place was dusty, really dusty. Great. 

Luckily there was a clean room where all the injured went to rest and everyone else, (boys included-to Nate's dismay) began to complete the setting up of the resistance base. Which included dusting. Thank God!

I didn't have to clean or set up that much, i went with Levi and Jessie to the doctor-turned out it wasn't that hard for me to place an 'idea' of wanting to do something i wanted them to do. 
It was really easy. We met with Dr. McVern, and by 'we' i mean Levi and Jessie. While they spoke to him casually asking if he could treat some of their friend's. He simply said yes. 
Because I controlled his mind. 
After ten minutes I figured out how to make sure Dr. McVern wouldn't question why we had powers, why we were in an abandoned Sugar Cane factory, why we were all beat up-or anything really. He remembered everything, just didn't question.

The only thing left to do was prepare the base, practice our powers and wait. Waiting sucked, but at least I had my new powers. 
I suddenly realized that if i was evil i would have a lot of blackmail on my 'teammates'. 


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