Sunday, April 26, 2009

part 7

"Take him back to the cell," The man said to one of his guards.

They immediatly took me by the arms and dragged me to the moving platform. They pressed a button and the platform moved down. As we were moving down I stared at the kids and adults in the cells, moaning and crying. When we reached my cell were Faith was they threw me in.

"Ugh!" I moaned when I hit the cold steel. They seeled the bars behind me.

"So how was it...?" The voice echoed in my head.

"Ugh, COUGH COUGH, I can't take this!" I said with a sob, "I want to get out of here! I wanna go home..."

I hadnt thought about it that much, and all of a sudden it hit me. What about home? What about my parents? That one hurt me the most. I missed home. I didnt want to be this person.

"Man! Those guys... I just can't let them do this to us! Ugh! I am so angry!" The voice said.


I heard a big BOOM! a couple cells below me and Faith's cell.

"WHAT WAS THAT!!!" Faith yelled.

I could here a whole bunch of yelling from the guards trying to communicate with eachother.

They too were trying to find out what had happened.

"Get away from me!" I heard someone say. She (Or at least I think it was a she) sounded like she was a couple of cells down.

Time to use my new power... I looked at one of the beds and stretched my arm out. I focused all my energy to my hands and slowy lifted my arm up. The bed started lifting up into the air, just as I had predicted it would.

"Faith. Get behind me!" I ordered.

She did as I had told and I swung my arms towards the steel bars. The bed flew right through them, breakind them down. I then immediately jumped out of the cell and did a free fall. As I felt the rushing wind in my face, i also felt that same feeling I had felt before. There was a platform that was moving down towards the exploded cell. I kept getting the feeling to grab on to the side of it, so I did. My fingers slipped but I shot forwards into the beat up cell.

"Haha! No way! You did this?!" I said to the girl in front of me.

"Ugh..." She fell to the ground.

"Makena! Are you ok?!" I said running up to her.

"Hey! What are you doing here!?" One of the guards yelled.

The platform had reached her cell.

"im really getting sick of you guys..." I said.

I grabbed one of the weak legs of the bed and snapped it off. Again I had that feeling, but it felt like it was on my own. I swung the bar behind my back spinning it and flung it towards one of the guards.

"Aph!" The guard said as it hit his gut.

The bar levitated back towards me and i grabbed it. I jumped and thwacked the other guard in the head. He didnt even flinch! I hit him in the gut, but that didnt work either! There was a flash! All of a sudden the guard fell off of the platform. When the brightness subsided Faith was standing there with a huge grin on her face.

"So what exactly is your power?" I asked Faith trying to figure out a way to get Makena out of here.


"Um... ok?" I was wondering why she hadn't just teleported out of here.

I asked Faith if she could help me with the knocked out Makena on the floor, but all she said was

"No way! I don't know her!". Well that was a... drag...(Sorry bad joke). I had to pick up Makena on my shoulders (Which wasn't exactly my cup a noodles...). Now im not saying Makena is over weight or anything but it wasnt exactly easy. I won't tell Makena this to her face but I dropped her about 4 times. Anyway we got to the platform, but there was just one problem, we didnt know how to work it!
"Well, Faith, time to take a leep of faith..." I stared into space and tried to think of what I would do...
Well... I guess jumping wouldnt be THAT bad...
"Hey Faith?"
"Are ya afraid of heights?"
"No... not really, why?"
"Oh... nothin." I said grabbing her hand.
"Ew let go of me!" She squirmed.
"Ugh your... somethin else." I said pulling Faith off the platform jumping after her still holding on to Makena.
"AHHHH! Whatchya do that for!?" Faith screamed.
"Well what else was there to do?"
"Do you even know what is at the bottom of this thing?"
Oops! Didnt think about that... I could feel Makena squirm a little. She was coming back to her senses.
"Wah...?" She said. She looked around and finaly figured that she was free falling. "Ugh I dont feel any better now... I uh" She fainted... AGAIN!
A golden blur caught Faith. When I looked back Faith wasn't falling with me anymore.
"Come on! Gotta figure something out... Come on weird feeling! Do something!" I said to myself.
The golden blur came swirling towards me and got Makena. I couldn't hang on to her anymore and let go. I looked down and saw nothing but steel.
"Oh SNA-" BANG!!!

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