Wednesday, April 29, 2009

section 2 part 2

Our little gang sat at one table.

"EWWW!" Kaitlen screamed. "Spider webs!"

"Don't worry 'cough' Kaitlen, I'm sure the spider already climbed on someone else" I chuckled.

That made her MAD! "So what and how are we gonna eat?"

"I think they 'borrowed' some food... i'm not sure." Mariah said.

The sliding glass doors opened.

"Haha! Hi Jesse!" I shouted. "Ow! My side..."

"I'm feeling better now... let me help." Hannah said extending her hand towards me.

I felt sorta like a ton of weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I felt surprisingly better.

"Wow! I feel a LOT better! What did you do anyway?"

"Well think i have healing powers... you almost died... so I used a lot of energy to try and save you..." Hannah said looking down.

"And im suppose to believe that you all of a sudden knew how to use this power?"

"Sigh, well there was this dead bird. I picked it up in my hands and started crying." She blushed a little. "But right before my eyes it was revived! It flew right out of my hands!"

Wow! There isnt any end to these surprises is there?
"Wait so how did you guys get all this tech stuff anyway? And where are we?" I asked looking

around at all the cool stuff.

"Well we're at an abandoned sugar cane factory." Joe said.

"And you can thank Chantel for all these cool stuff!" Danielle replied.

A skinny man with glasses walked through the doors.

"Who's he?" I asked.

I had sooo many questions and I could tell everyone was getting annoyed from them.

"He's a doctor who is trying to help us out." Makena said.

"What are YOU lookin at!" One of the teens said to an older aged man.

"I'm not looking at anything you snot nosed brat!" The man replied.

All of a sudden everyone was chanting, "Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!!!".
The man's hands grew sharp and matalic like, but the teen swung his arm around letting loose a hyper sonic BOOM!!! Sending the man flying backwards hitting the wall making him unconscious.

"Hey!" A teenaged girl got up from her seat. "Knock it off!"

"Don't you tell ME what to do Susan!" The teenaged boy said.

He flung his arm around again making another super sonic boom, but the girl crossed her arms around her head creating a forcefield, reflecting the boom back to him wiping him out.

"That's what you get for trying to hit a lady! Hmph!" She said sitting down.

Everyone started cheering her on.

"Oooook?" I said.

'Ding, ding, ding, ding, CRASH!' Someone was trying to attract everyone's attention by tapping a
glass cup but it shattered.

"Oh! Ooops!" The guy said. He looked around the age of 20. "Um... may I have your attention!?"

All eyes turned towards him.

"Um, well my name is Burt," several people let out a chuckle, "We have some new recruits. I would like all of you to make them feel welcome. The more people we have the more of a chance we will have of conquering when "The Day" comes."

Huh? What was... "The Day"?

"The Day' I have learned, is a day of battle..." Makena said telepathicaly to me. She seemed to have scanned my thoughts.

Well? What do you mean by that?

"Well like I said earlier there is a comet that is coming soon. Not everyone will do good with
there powers or just stay out of trouble."

She handed me a newspaper. On the cover it was titled "Human Beasts or Super Heroes?". I scanned through the paper. It said that humans with mutations were creating havoc. Robbing, stealing, all that junk.

Im still not completely sure where this is goin.

"Sigh. At the time of the comet, one of the psychic type of guys or watever people who can see the future, have foreseen an attack. This person has seen in the vision two groups, us and abusers of their powers."

She looked down to the ground.

"We could die."

That's when I had it.

"I'm out of here" I said out loud.

I walked out of the room and out of the factory. I just wanted to go home, sit down on the couch, and watch tv.

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