Sunday, April 26, 2009

Part 6

"No!" I shouted, "NOOOO! Get away! Get away from me!"

I felt a sharp blow to my side.

"Brandon!" Someone said

"No! Get away!"

"Sigh. WAKE UP!!!"

I opened my eyes and sat up immediately. I was covered in... sweat, and I was shaking uncontrollably.


I looked up, and saw another familiar face, but I was too confused and dazed to figure out who it was. I felt something cold on the ground. I looked around and everything was steel. The only thing that wasn't steel was the two beds. One on each side of the small room. And I was on the floor.

"Oh Brandon???" The person said

I finaly looked up to get another look. It was surprise after surprise.

"Oh no!" I said with a chuckle, "Hi... Hope... I MEAN FAITH! I said Faith nothing else."

"OH MY GOODNESS WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME THAT!" Faith said flinging her hands up in the air.

I looked out of the metal bars that didnt seem like normal steel to me. I peered into the other cells. A couple boys and girls about my age were crying while the rest, even adults, were just sitting in a corner looking at the ground.

"You can tell" Faith said "who has been here for some time and who just got here."

"Hows that?" I asked.

"The people who are crying dumby! Their scared of what will happen next."

"Wait... where am I?!"

"Your in a containment jail for HWM."

"What's HWM?"

"Humans With Mutations."

I gulped. So thats what they call us... I looked down. The cells peered down, down down, until all you could see was darkness.

"Well? Aren't we gonna try to get out of here?!" I asked

"Since when were you the fearless leader?" Faith said.

It just hit me! I never thought about it until now. If I had to think about it, I'd start huddling in a corner and cry but now... i feel... different. Maybe it had something to do with these strange powers...

"Brandon!" I voice echoed in my head.

This time I knew it wasnt Faith. It had to be someone else... It even sounded more clear...

"Ok who... or WHAT are you?!" I thought back.

"That's not important right now. In 2 minutes someone is gonna come and take you out of your cell and take you to a room. Don't fight them, or answer any questions."

Oh great... now what kind of wacked out stuff am I gonna be hearing... but sure enough 2
minutes later some buff guy who you would find like in the cartoons opened up my cell and told me to come with him. I walked on to a platform that looked like it was hovering in mid air. He pressed a certain button and the platform started moving up. We kept going until we went through a small hole in the ceiling, just big enough for the platform to fit through. I could here the crashing sound of the metal door under us close. A man with a stern and wrinkly face entered the room.

"What's your name son?" The man said in a deep intimidating voice.

"Um... Brandon." I replied.

"Hmmm. And do you know why your here?"

"Uh... no, no I do-"

"BECAUSE YOUR AN ABOMINATION! A mutant, an oddball, a beast!" He yelled, "Because of people like you, extreme damage has been caused throughout the country. And do you know what happens to people who do bad things?"


"They are either dead or lockem' in jail! And lucky for you," He said chuckling,"you have the pleasure of experiencing both."

"I told you not to answer any questions!" the voice said, "He pulls you into an intimidating conversation."

I wanted to ignore it. Block all of life out. I was about ready to break down into tears, but arrogant pride kept me from it. I just wanted to sink down into my chair and fall through everything. Maybe even die. I was trapped, nowhere to run. Just trapped. The man just stared at me seeing the hurt in my eyes. He signaled one of his lab geeks to get something. When he got back he was holding a container.

"In this container is a very different kind of animal. An animal that most people would see. But this one," He said lifting the lid "is special."

I peered into the container. It was a small little gecko.

"Looks normal hm?" He asked picking it up. He started stretching it. But instead of it ripping, it stretched. It kept stretching and stretching, like a rubber band. That is until it... snapped in half. I could feel a little liquid splash on my face and I could see drops of blood on the man's face.

"It's a beast, just like you." The man said grinning.

"And why are you talking to me about this...?"

"A... relative of yours works up in a space station above the earth. What he does up there is works on meotorites. Chemical reactions, collisions to see the power it generates, all that (Im gonna sensor it because this guy has a bad mouth. Ill replace it with happier words) crap. Well it just so happens that he was working on extra terrestrial elements (It doesnt mean little green men, just elements from space), when he ran across a certain combination. He had mixed earthly elements, and a completely new element he called plactonite that he had gotten from one of the meteorites he had found. It was a black rocky substance. Well the combination he had created some how enchanced living organisms, with various effects. The one effect, though, that was found in every test subject, (which was lizards that had spawned in the ship) was super-natural healing."

There was an akward pause, at least for me. The man in front of me was just staring at me with an evil half grin.

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