Sunday, April 26, 2009

And we all had powers....BUT WHAT KIND???

Brandon: Spidermanlike reflexis, move things without even touching them, can do a short "warp"
ability: A pole. He uses his ability to move things without even touching them to throw his pole and hit enemys with it retrieving his pole without letting it touch the ground. He can also minipulate time and do a short "warp". Note that i said Warp not teleport. He cannot warp through solid objects.

Joe: Electricity, spark.
ability: He can jump from metal object to metal object like lightning.

Riley: Blue fire.
Ability: Can minipulate blue fire, the hottest burning fire.

Nate: Vibrating body
Ability: Run faster than the speed of sound. The wind is on his side would be a simple way of saying it.

Mariah: Has ghost like qualities.
Ability: Can go through solid objects, turn invisible, flight. Her abilitys make her almost impossible to catch or touch.

Chantel: Technopath
Abilitly: She can create almost any small technological device (with parts of course) within a nano second. Can control most technological devices.

Hannah: ???
Ability: Not much is known about Hannah's ability. Random powers accur often but most often plasma hands allowing here to shoot energy beams from her hands.

Jessica: One with nature
Ability: Can pretty much control all plant life

Gabbie: Golden wings
Ability: Golden wings spread out from her back. The feathers on her back are very hard sorta making her wings her shield. It also slows her down a bit while flying though. The golden wings match her blond hair...

Makena: Genius
Abilitly: her whole brain is stronger than a super computer. Her mind is so strong she can transfer thoughts to any person she desires. She can even create a wave of energy stored in her brain to make a pschotic explosion. She can also cause people to forget anything. Don't ever underestimate brain over bronze. Oh hey Makena hows it.... wait wat? wat am i doing here?

Raven: Pure white wings
Ability: Pure white wings that spread from her back. Her wings are whiter than snow. She is a very fast as far as flying goes. Speed is her strong point.

Daniel: Red fire
Ability:Manipulates red fire. Not as powerful as red fire, but she has more flexibility on what she can do with it. It really goes good with her bright red hair.

Faith: Teleportations
Ability: can travel through space in a split second. very limited though.

Ani: Energy Shield, Blue Plasma Hands
Ability: Can generate a force field, deflecting almost anything. She can also shoot plasma beems from her hands.

Elyse: Shape Shifter
Ability: Can change from human to bird to anything. If stayed in one form too long he mind thinks that she is not human. Also... I'd like to add to my power. :) I can do birds, and small-medium mammals. (And apparently snakes.) Nothing with a brain that's too small, like a bug (ew, who'd want to do that anyway?!). Still working on my ability to keep part of my brain. :D

Azure: Icegirl
Ability: Can control, manipulate and make ice. She also has the power of walking and changing outfits super fast.

Janae: Creates and Manipulates weather.
Ability: If someone is raining on her parade she will make it rain on them. Literally. 


  1. I'd like to add to my power. :) I can do birds, and small-medium mammals. (And apparently snakes.) Nothing with a brain that's too small, like a bug (ew, who'd want to do that anyway?!). Still working on my ability to keep part of my brain. :D
