Monday, April 27, 2009

Part 13: Interlude

Azure, Kaitlen, Elyse, Janae and I were walking through a cane field looking for the abandoned sugar cane mill where the others were. "Gosh, could they have picked a more icky place to stay?" Azure complained-I totally agreed with her, but I was the sort-of-leader-ish person, so I just couldn't voice it aloud. Since it took soooooooooooooooo long to get to the old mill, we all started playing with our powers. Azure could not only manipulate ice, but she could change into different outfits with the blink of an eye. IT WAS AWESOME!!! "Man," I said, "I TOTALLY want your power!!!" I whined. Kailten laughed. Elyse and Kaitlen also played with their powers-Elyse had fun with turning into a snake, scaring us all!!!!! During this time Janae also discovered her power, she could make/change/manipulate the weather. She really loved her power, making it rain on us, but still keeping her self dry. 

Finally, we got to the old sugar cane factory. I sighed, hopefully they were there. "Lets go." I thought aloud, as Kaitlen used her super strength to open the old doors. 

As we five walked in, we were happy to be reunited with all of our friends. They were scattered about the mill, not many were hurt...Thank the Lord. 
Smiles and hugs were exchanged, and then it was conference time. 

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