Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Section 2 part 1 (Better explained)

"Br...on. B...a...don"

"Is he gonna make it? He's pretty banged up..."

"Well what Hannah did... it did something..."

"Yeah but Hannah's lookin kinda sick... she's turning a little pale."

"Ah she'll be fine. We've been through enough to know what she can go through."

I finaly started snapping out of my daze.


"He's waking up!"

"Where... am I?" I asked to whoever would answer.

"Your at our resistent base!" Someone replied.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Gabbie! Duh?!" She chuckled.

I was still kinda out of it.

"Wait! Since when did we have a resistent base?" I asked.

"Well, you were knocked out for about 3 days sooo... well and some people started this organization... and now we have shelter for the time being" Gabbie said.

"Oh... WHAT?! THREE DAYS!? WHAT HAPPENED!" I gasped. "Ugh, I don't feel to good..." I layed back down.

"Just rest. Everything will be ok." Raven said. "This is my friend Elyse. She is a shape shifter!"

"Uh hey?"

Makena walked up to me and whispered something into my ear, "Brandon, I need to talk to you... privately..."

Oh no now what... Makena helped me up but couldn't support my whole weight. I fell back to the ground.

"Hey Joe!" I yelled.


"I need your help..."

He and Makena flung my arms around their shoulders and dragged me through these sliding glass doors.

"Since when were we smart enough to make sliding steel doors?" I asked.

"I'll get to that." Makena replied.

We entered another room. It was kinda like one of those business lookin rooms. A large oval table in the middle and chairs all around the table. No one was in the room except the three of us. Joe and Makena plopped me on one of the chairs and Makena signaled Joe to leave the room.

"I learned a lot from when you were unconscious (1. Idk if i spelt that right, and 2. Makena u can add watever other info you want in your part of the story. Idk wat else u would have learned)."

An akward silence.

"Well are you gonna tell me or what?" I said unpatiently.

"Yeah... right... just need to figure out where to start..." She thought a little. "Ok I'm just gonna start with my "mutated power". I'm a genius. I've learned that I am more smarter than any computer in the world... I can also talk to people... telepathicaly... except I wouldn't exactly call it telepathy..."

It clicked. "Oh! So it was YOU who was talking to me!"

"Yeah... well I also overheard everything you and that...UGH! FREAK were talking about. I did some research on that..."

The whole conversation I had with that strange man was slipping from me. The only question I had in my mind was, "Who was that man talking about?"

Makena started again, "Well, um" It looked like she was trying to avoid saying a certain thing.

"The person who was up in the space... station thing, was workin on meteorites as you already know. Well it turns out that the substance he was working on..." She looked like I wouldn't believe this, "is not actualy a rock but it was a cluster of small micro organisms... In a way I guess you could call it an alien... or just another germ..."

I now had another question, "What does this have to do with us?"

"Right now... those micro organisms are living inside of us as we speak..."

I felt kinda sick. Something living inside of me? Major grossedge...

"And how does that affect us?" I asked.

"Well these organsisms, feed on different parts of our bodies... there parasites. The diseases they leave affects us in different ways, depending on where they feed. That's what gives us our powers. There is also another thing... that man, he wants us all killed because of something that happened in the past..."

Hmmm... this is gettin juicy...

" Well from what i have learned, most comets contain those micro organisms. It must have been
completely dumb luck that a comet with these parasites crashed here on Earth. These parasites have been in hibernation probably for thousands of years because they did not have enough energy to servive. The energy source, a black looking crystal found rarely in comets. These parasites have awakened from there sleep because the large amounts of energy they get from those crystals are getting nearer. I've also learned that something like this has happened before. The meteorite containing the parasites, entered the earth's atmosphere and infected a great amount of people. I'm not exactly sure when it happened. My guess is it happened A LONG time ago... Maybe that's how they came up with "Super Heroes"... Well anyway, I read that they abused their powers and created havoc... maybe even went psychotic..."

Another thought came to mind... What if there are still people out there who are abusing their powers?

"Well what happened to them?" I asked.

"I'm getting to that! The comet containing the crystals made everyone's powers... how would i say this without you not understanding me... better, more powerful. Two sides rose up. One who fought for peace and one who fought for power. And, I'm hungry! I think its time for dinner."

Wow! Dinner? I was almost knocked out for 4 days! But I was pretty hungry... We both went to what looked like the cafeteria.

1 comment:

  1. you do realize that for me being smarter than a 'super computer' i wouldn't talk that way. ....
