Sunday, April 26, 2009

Part 8

Continued from here Also tagged was whoever was tagged in Brandon's notes.

(from my point of view. duh).... {Just a refresher course, my power is; a certified genius and i have telekinetic power like Jean Grey from the X-men}.

I was faintly aware of my surroundings, I quickly concluded that I had 1. fainted, 2. was being carried by someone, and 3. I was in desperately drained from any energy I had. That was when I remembered that strange people had done traumatic tests on me over the last 6 hours. It was horrific, and i hated them. They must've drained me, and that's why I fainted. Because never in my life have I ever been this weak or sickly to faint. "Ugh, I don't feel so well." I stated the obvious, and than blacked out. Loosing any sense of what was around me. 

"What's going on? Why is the subject doing this?"

"Where are they going?"


"Use the W.O.M.D.!!!"

"This was not the plan!"

"Why is this happening?"

"Where are we?"

The voices were penetrating my brain, and I had no control. All different people, men, women, my friends, voices were flooding my brain. It made me want to scream. I think I did. 
The next thing I knew my vision was filled not with the black of closed eyelids but a stratosphere of bright piercing golden color. Than I blacked out.

"Get up subject 6987423109." A chorus of monochromatic voices echoed through my ears. 
I held my head in my hands and cautiously sat up. 
My day sucked, majorly. I felt like I just wanted to go back to bed. Sleep, watch tv, read comic books, write my script, call my friends and eat pie...

Instead I snapped up quickly into a fighting stance, pulled my hair behind my ears and searched the army's brains. They were still repeating the same sentence as before. As if they hadn't realized I was up and ready to kick their ass all the way to Timbuktu. 

As I went around moved slowly around in a circle, so as not to keep my back on the army of 47 a clear voice spoke. It was a woman's, unrecognizable to me. 

"Subject 6987423109, M. Gadient, do not fight this. Where are your comrades?" 

I wanted to scan the area for my group of friends but the genius part of me realized that last night they could've done something to my brain. And if and when I found my friends the bad guys would too. Instead I tried to attack the army of fashion outcasts from the inside out. 

Oh? Did I mention this army was wearing the most disgusting clothes I have ever seen? They were. It wasn't just the valley girl 'omg, that is sooo last season!'. It was either two sizes to big or small, clashy clothes that none of my friends would be caught dead in. And, the army was all teenagers.

"Oh no, you are not getting any information from me!" I said to the voice and the army. 

I invaded the army's brain, searched for their Achilles heel and they fell down like flies. 

Looking around I yelled to the woman's voice, "Later!"

Scanning the area I quickly found the most probable place Brandon, Raven or any of my group would be. I climbed a rickety ladder and ran down stairs, my power increasing by the minute; gaining more strength as I took down more of the ugly army. 

"Raven!!" I cried, as I saw her in flying high above. 
"Makena!!" She quickly swooped down and grabbed me. 
"Where is everyone?" 
"I think I know where they are." Good, I thought. 
"Did you bring the gun?" I asked.
"No, unfortunately i brought the cannoli."
I laughed, and smiled. This was really Raven. Only she would get this. 
"What has been going on?" I asked, refraining from searching her mind. 
"They captured us, the seeming clones of you know who. I don't know where Brandon or Mariah went. But I found Kaitlen and she's gone to the cells to break out people."
"Okay." I said. My brain doing the math of what time we left, arrived here and what damage 'they' could've done with those times.
"Raven! Makena!" Kaitlen yelled, waving her hands in the air. 
Raven swooped down and closed her wings. We both stood up and hugged Kaitlen. 
"Did you let everyone out?" I quickly jumped to the subject.
"I tried. They seemed to have moved everyone." Kaitlen said sadly.
A small handful of our friends walked behind her. They seemed beat up pretty badly, and they were all shouldering, carrying and trying to hold up a knocked up and bruised Brandon. I was worried, he looked almost dead. He wouldn't be a help for the team for at least 2 days. 
"OMG." Raven said when she saw the procession of people.
"This is not good." Kaitlen said, than she looked up and fowned. "Plus, I heard they're holding Elyse and Azure somewhere."
"We have to find them." Raven said. 
"We have to get out of here, get the injured to the hospital." I paused. "Does anyone remember where we are, or where the other half of our group is?" 

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