Sunday, April 26, 2009

story part 10...sorry, I was busy majorly!!!!!

Five guards with steel rods of crackling electricity stepped down in front of them. For a second, Elyse was too scared to move. The cages, dungeons, and rooms of confinement lay behind them. She felt like a caged bird, much like how she had felt back at the hospital.

Suddenly, she felt a dull throbbing all over her body and an horrible headache. And somehow she felt...different. Elyse looked up and saw the guards...well, actually, the guards' ugly shoes. Fear racked her mind and she acted out of instinct. Lunging upwards and flapping a bit, she planted her claws into the front guard's face and let out a cry. It came out more like a chirrup.

She was vaguely aware of confused shouting, but it was too hard to comprehend what was being said. Elyse also noticed the guard batting at his face and going down, but she kept on until Raven was able to knock him out.

The fray was finally over. 5 guards lay out cold on the floor. She saw her friends (who seemed very tall) and cocked her head. They too looked at her oddly.

Humans.... She felt like flying away, but then remembered something important. Those are my friends. Humans. I'm a human being.

She felt the dull throbbing again and the headache. But suddenly it was over, and Elyse found herself eye to eye with her friends again. They looked at her with wide eyes.

"What...happened?" Raven asked.

"I dunno. I was just about to ask you."

"You kind of changed into a bird," put in Kaitlen, still staring at Elyse.

She shivered. "Weird. That must have happened at the hospital too, cause man were those nurses annoyed!" No body laughed, but that was probably due to the fact that Azure was right behind her. Elyse didn't know what she was doing, but she had a strange hunch that it was something super. Turning around, Elyse's jaw instantly dropped...

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